Subject: telnetd missing gettytab support, minor warp Makefile cleanup
Index:	 src/libexec/telnetd/telnetd.c, src/games/warp/Makefile

	gettytab(5) information does not apply to sessions coming over telnet

        The warp(6) Makefile has an extra -O entry in the CFLAGS.

	Repeat by trying to set things in gettytab such as "np" (no parity)
	or editing (character erase) and observe that it does not have any 
	effect on telnet sessions.  Another good example is changing the
	banner message in gettytab and seeing that telnetd ignores the change.

        View warp/Makefile and see "-O -O" where there should be "-O".

        This patch also adds support for the terminal type "telnetd" which
	can override the defaults with specific information for telnetd.

        In addition to the gettytab support changes cleanup of telnetd.c
	was done.

        Four files are added to the telnetd source directory: gettytab.c,
	gettytab.h, init.c, subr.c

        NOTE:  At this time the manpages for gettytab and/or telnetd have
	       not been updated.  This will be done at a later date.

        Thanks to Johnny Billquist for dropping this in my inbox.

        To install this patch cut where indicated and save to a file 
	(/tmp/481.patch).  Then:

cd /
patch -p0 < /tmp/481.patch

cd /usr/src/libexec/telnetd
make install
make clean

	This and previous updates to 2.11BSD are available at the following

---------------------------cut here--------------------
*** ./usr/src/games/warp/Makefile.old	Sat Jan 27 02:45:52 1996
--- ./usr/src/games/warp/Makefile	Mon Apr 17 21:07:28 2023
*** 13,19 ****
  CC = cc
  bin = /usr/games
  mansrc = /tmp
! CFLAGS = -O -O
  CHOWNER = bin
  privlib = /usr/games/lib/warp
--- 13,19 ----
  CC = cc
  bin = /usr/games
  mansrc = /tmp
  CHOWNER = bin
  privlib = /usr/games/lib/warp
*** ./usr/src/libexec/telnetd/Makefile.old	Sat Nov 16 16:13:42 1996
--- ./usr/src/libexec/telnetd/Makefile	Wed Apr 26 08:50:47 2023
*** 1,12 ****
! # Public Domain.  1996/11/16 - Steven Schultz
- #	@(#)Makefile	1.0 (2.11BSD) 1996/11/16
- #
! SRCS=	telnetd.c
! OBJS=	telnetd.o
  MAN=	telnetd.0
  MANSRC=	telnetd.8
--- 1,10 ----
! #	@(#)Makefile	2.0 (2.11BSD) 2023/4/26
! SRCS=	telnetd.c gettytab.c subr.c init.c
! OBJS=	telnetd.o gettytab.o subr.o init.o
  MAN=	telnetd.0
  MANSRC=	telnetd.8
*** 24,32 ****
  depend: ${SRCS}
  	mkdep ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS}
! install: telnetd
  	install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 ${MAN} ${DESTDIR}/usr/man/cat8
! 	install -s -o root -g bin -m 755 telnetd ${DESTDIR}/usr/libexec/telnetd
  lint: ${SRCS}
  	lint -hax ${SRCS}
--- 22,30 ----
  depend: ${SRCS}
  	mkdep ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS}
! install: telnetd ${MAN}
  	install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 ${MAN} ${DESTDIR}/usr/man/cat8
! 	install -c -s -o root -g bin -m 755 telnetd ${DESTDIR}/usr/libexec/telnetd
  lint: ${SRCS}
  	lint -hax ${SRCS}
*** ./usr/src/libexec/telnetd/telnetd.c.old	Sat Nov 16 23:40:05 1996
--- ./usr/src/libexec/telnetd/telnetd.c	Mon Apr 17 21:36:32 2023
*** 23,39 ****
  #include <sys/time.h>
  #include <netinet/in.h>
  #include <arpa/telnet.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <sgtty.h>
  #include <netdb.h>
  #include <syslog.h>
  #include <ctype.h>
  #define	OPT_NO			0		/* won't do this option */
  #define	OPT_YES			1		/* will do this option */
--- 23,43 ----
  #include <sys/time.h>
  #include <netinet/in.h>
! #include <arpa/inet.h>
  #include <arpa/telnet.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <errno.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
  #include <sgtty.h>
  #include <netdb.h>
  #include <syslog.h>
  #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <strings.h>
+ #include "gettytab.h"
  #define	OPT_NO			0		/* won't do this option */
  #define	OPT_YES			1		/* will do this option */
*** 46,72 ****
  char	will[] = { IAC, WILL, '%', 'c', 0 };
  char	wont[] = { IAC, WONT, '%', 'c', 0 };
   * I/O data buffers, pointers, and counters.
  char	ptyibuf[BUFSIZ], *ptyip = ptyibuf;
  char	ptyobuf[BUFSIZ], *pfrontp = ptyobuf, *pbackp = ptyobuf;
  char	netibuf[BUFSIZ], *netip = netibuf;
- #define	NIACCUM(c)	{   *netip++ = c; \
- 			    ncc++; \
- 			}
  char	netobuf[BUFSIZ], *nfrontp = netobuf, *nbackp = netobuf;
  char	*neturg = 0;		/* one past last bye of urgent data */
  	/* the remote system seems to NOT be an old 4.2 */
  int	not42 = 1;
- char BANNER1[] = "\r\n\r\n2.11 BSD UNIX (",
-     BANNER2[] = ")\r\n\r\0\r\n\r\0";
  		/* buffer for sub-options */
  char	subbuffer[100], *subpointer= subbuffer, *subend= subbuffer;
  #define	SB_CLEAR()	subpointer = subbuffer;
--- 50,89 ----
  char	will[] = { IAC, WILL, '%', 'c', 0 };
  char	wont[] = { IAC, WONT, '%', 'c', 0 };
+ struct	sgttyb tmode = {
+ 	0, 0, CERASE, CKILL, 0
+ };
+ struct	tchars tc = {
+ };
+ struct	ltchars ltc = {
+ };
+ char	hostname[32];
+ #define	TABBUFSIZ	512
+ char	defent[TABBUFSIZ];
+ char	defstrs[TABBUFSIZ];
+ char	tabent[TABBUFSIZ];
+ char	tabstrs[TABBUFSIZ];
   * I/O data buffers, pointers, and counters.
  char	ptyibuf[BUFSIZ], *ptyip = ptyibuf;
  char	ptyobuf[BUFSIZ], *pfrontp = ptyobuf, *pbackp = ptyobuf;
  char	netibuf[BUFSIZ], *netip = netibuf;
+ #define	NIACCUM(c)	{ *netip++ = c; ncc++; }
  char	netobuf[BUFSIZ], *nfrontp = netobuf, *nbackp = netobuf;
  char	*neturg = 0;		/* one past last bye of urgent data */
  	/* the remote system seems to NOT be an old 4.2 */
  int	not42 = 1;
  		/* buffer for sub-options */
  char	subbuffer[100], *subpointer= subbuffer, *subend= subbuffer;
  #define	SB_CLEAR()	subpointer = subbuffer;
*** 77,90 ****
  #define	SB_GET()	((*subpointer++)&0xff)
  #define	SB_EOF()	(subpointer >= subend)
! int	pcc, ncc;
! int	pty, net;
! int	inter;
! extern	char **environ;
! extern	int errno;
! char	*line;
  int	SYNCHing = 0;		/* we are in TELNET SYNCH mode */
   * The following are some clocks used to decide how to interpret
   * the relationship between various variables.
--- 94,106 ----
  #define	SB_GET()	((*subpointer++)&0xff)
  #define	SB_EOF()	(subpointer >= subend)
! int	pcc, ncc, pty, net, inter;
  int	SYNCHing = 0;		/* we are in TELNET SYNCH mode */
+ char	*line;
+ extern char **environ;
+ extern void makeenv();
   * The following are some clocks used to decide how to interpret
   * the relationship between various variables.
*** 166,172 ****
  char	*terminaltype = 0;
! char	*envinit[2];
  int	cleanup();
--- 182,188 ----
  char	*terminaltype = 0;
! char	*env[128];
  int	cleanup();
*** 237,247 ****
  	int f;
  	struct sockaddr_in *who;
! 	char *host, *inet_ntoa();
! 	int i, p, t;
  	struct sgttyb b;
  	struct hostent *hp;
! 	int c;
  	for (c = 'p'; c <= 's'; c++) {
  		struct stat stb;
--- 253,266 ----
  	int f;
  	struct sockaddr_in *who;
! 	char *host;
! 	int i, j, p, c;
!         register int t;
  	struct sgttyb b;
  	struct hostent *hp;
! 	int ldisp = OTTYDISC;
! 	long allflags;
! 	int someflags;
  	for (c = 'p'; c <= 's'; c++) {
  		struct stat stb;
*** 279,290 ****
  	t = open(line, O_RDWR);
  	if (t < 0)
  		fatalperror(f, line);
! 	ioctl(t, TIOCGETP, &b);
! 	b.sg_flags = CRMOD|XTABS|ANYP;
! 	ioctl(t, TIOCSETP, &b);
! 	ioctl(p, TIOCGETP, &b);
! 	b.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
  	ioctl(p, TIOCSETP, &b);
  	hp = gethostbyaddr(&who->sin_addr, sizeof (struct in_addr),
  	if (hp)
--- 298,325 ----
  	t = open(line, O_RDWR);
  	if (t < 0)
  		fatalperror(f, line);
! 	gethostname(hostname, sizeof (hostname));
! 	gettable("default", defent, defstrs);
! 	gendefaults();
! 	gettable("telnetd", tabent, tabstrs);
! 	setdefaults();
! 	setchars();
! 	ioctl(p, TIOCSETC, &tc);
! 	ioctl(p, TIOCSETD, &ldisp);
! 	allflags = setflags(2);
! 	b.sg_flags = allflags & 0xffff;
! 	someflags = allflags >> 16;
  	ioctl(p, TIOCSETP, &b);
+ 	ioctl(p, TIOCSLTC, &ltc);
+ 	ioctl(p, TIOCLSET, &someflags);
+ 	edithost(HE);
+ 	if (IM && *IM)
+ 		putf(p, IM);
  	hp = gethostbyaddr(&who->sin_addr, sizeof (struct in_addr),
  	if (hp)
*** 310,318 ****
  	dup2(t, 1);
  	dup2(t, 2);
! 	envinit[0] = terminaltype;
! 	envinit[1] = 0;
! 	environ = envinit;
  	 * -h : pass on name of host.
  	 *		WARNING:  -h is accepted by login if and only if
--- 345,364 ----
  	dup2(t, 1);
  	dup2(t, 2);
! 	/* Create our environment by copying selected parts of
! 	 * the given environment, plus adding whatever comes from
! 	 * terminal type, and gettytab.
! 	 */
! 	j = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; environ[i] != (char *)0; i++) {
! 		if (islower(environ[i][0])) continue;
! 		if (strncmp(environ[i], "INET=", 5) == 0) continue;
! 		if (strncmp(environ[i], "PATH=", 5) == 0) continue;
! 		env[j++] = environ[i];
! 	}
! 	makeenv(&env[j], terminaltype);
  	 * -h : pass on name of host.
  	 *		WARNING:  -h is accepted by login if and only if
*** 319,327 ****
  	 *			getuid() == 0.
  	 * -p : don't clobber the environment (so terminal type stays set).
! 	execl("/bin/login", "login", "-h", host,
! 					terminaltype ? "-p" : 0, 0);
! 	fatalperror(f, "/bin/login");
--- 365,373 ----
  	 *			getuid() == 0.
  	 * -p : don't clobber the environment (so terminal type stays set).
! 	execle(LO, "login", "-h", host, "-p", 0, env);
! 	fatalperror(f, LO);
*** 346,357 ****
  	fatal(f, buf);
   * Check a descriptor to see if out of band data exists on it.
  int	s;		/* socket number */
--- 392,401 ----
*** 382,388 ****
  telnet(f, p)
  	int on = 1;
- 	char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
  	ioctl(f, FIONBIO, &on);
  	ioctl(p, FIONBIO, &on);
--- 426,431 ----
*** 418,439 ****
- 	 * Show banner that getty never gave.
- 	 *
- 	 * The banner includes some null's (for TELNET CR disambiguation),
- 	 * so we have to be somewhat complicated.
- 	 */
- 	gethostname(hostname, sizeof (hostname));
- 	bcopy(BANNER1, nfrontp, sizeof BANNER1 -1);
- 	nfrontp += sizeof BANNER1 - 1;
- 	bcopy(hostname, nfrontp, strlen(hostname));
- 	nfrontp += strlen(hostname);
- 	bcopy(BANNER2, nfrontp, sizeof BANNER2 -1);
- 	nfrontp += sizeof BANNER2 - 1;
- 	/*
  	 * Call telrcv() once to pick up anything received during
  	 * terminal type negotiation.
--- 461,466 ----
*** 973,979 ****
      switch (SB_GET()) {
      case TELOPT_TTYPE: {		/* Yaaaay! */
! 	static char terminalname[5+41] = "TERM=";
--- 1000,1006 ----
      switch (SB_GET()) {
      case TELOPT_TTYPE: {		/* Yaaaay! */
! 	static char terminalname[41] = "";
*** 1282,1285 ****
--- 1309,1352 ----
  	line[strlen("/dev/")] = 'p';
  	chmod(line, 0666);
  	chown(line, 0, 0);
+ }
+ putf(p, cp)
+ 	int p;
+ 	register char *cp;
+ {
+ 	char *ttyn, *slash;
+ 	char datebuffer[60];
+ 	extern char editedhost[];
+ 	while (*cp) {
+ 		if (*cp != '%') {
+ 			*(nfrontp++) = *(cp++);
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		switch (*++cp) {
+ 		case 't':
+ 			ttyn = ttyname(p);
+ 			slash = rindex(ttyn, '/');
+ 			if (slash == (char *) 0) {
+ 				memcpy(nfrontp, ttyn, strlen(ttyn));
+ 				nfrontp += strlen(ttyn);
+ 			} else {
+ 				memcpy(nfrontp, slash+1, strlen(slash+1));
+ 				nfrontp += strlen(slash+1);
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+ 		case 'h':
+ 			memcpy(nfrontp, editedhost, strlen(editedhost));
+ 			nfrontp += strlen(editedhost);
+ 			break;
+ 		case '%':
+ 			*(nfrontp++) = '%';
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		cp++;
+ 	}
*** ./VERSION.old	Wed Apr 12 21:52:45 2023
--- ./VERSION	Mon Apr 17 21:07:20 2023
*** 1,5 ****
! Current Patch Level: 480
! Date: April 13, 2023
  2.11 BSD
--- 1,5 ----
! Current Patch Level: 481
! Date: April 17, 2023
  2.11 BSD
*** /dev/null	Wed Apr 26 08:43:51 2023
--- ./usr/src/libexec/telnetd/init.c	Mon Apr 17 21:20:50 2023
*** 0 ****
--- 1,87 ----
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
+  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
+  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
+  */
+ #if	!defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
+ static char sccsid[] = "@(#)init.c	5.3 (2.11BSD) 2023/4/13";
+ #endif
+ /*
+  * Getty table initializations.
+  *
+  * Melbourne getty.
+  */
+ #include <sgtty.h>
+ #include "gettytab.h"
+ extern  struct sgttyb tmode;
+ extern	struct tchars tc;
+ extern	struct ltchars ltc;
+ extern	char hostname[];
+ struct	gettystrs gettystrs[] = {
+ 	{ "nx" },			/* next table */
+ 	{ "cl" },			/* screen clear characters */
+ 	{ "im" },			/* initial message */
+ 	{ "lm", "login: " },		/* login message */
+ 	{ "er", &tmode.sg_erase },	/* erase character */
+ 	{ "kl", &tmode.sg_kill },	/* kill character */
+ 	{ "et", &tc.t_eofc },		/* eof chatacter (eot) */
+ 	{ "pc", "" },			/* pad character */
+ 	{ "tt" },			/* terminal type */
+ 	{ "ev" },			/* enviroment */
+ 	{ "lo", "/bin/login" },		/* login program */
+ 	{ "hn", hostname },		/* host name */
+ 	{ "he" },			/* host name edit */
+ 	{ "in", &tc.t_intrc },		/* interrupt char */
+ 	{ "qu", &tc.t_quitc },		/* quit char */
+ 	{ "xn", &tc.t_startc },		/* XON (start) char */
+ 	{ "xf", &tc.t_stopc },		/* XOFF (stop) char */
+ 	{ "bk", &tc.t_brkc },		/* brk char (alt \n) */
+ 	{ "su", &ltc.t_suspc },		/* suspend char */
+ 	{ "ds", &ltc.t_dsuspc },	/* delayed suspend */
+ 	{ "rp", &ltc.t_rprntc },	/* reprint char */
+ 	{ "fl", &ltc.t_flushc },	/* flush output */
+ 	{ "we", &ltc.t_werasc },	/* word erase */
+ 	{ "ln", &ltc.t_lnextc },	/* literal next */
+ 	{ 0 }
+ };
+ struct	gettynums gettynums[] = {
+ 	{ "is" },			/* input speed */
+ 	{ "os" },			/* output speed */
+ 	{ "sp" },			/* both speeds */
+ 	{ "to" },			/* timeout */
+ 	{ "f0" },			/* output flags */
+ 	{ "f1" },			/* input flags */
+ 	{ "f2" },			/* user mode flags */
+ 	{ "pf" },			/* delay before flush at 1st prompt */
+ 	{ 0 }
+ };
+ struct	gettyflags gettyflags[] = {
+ 	{ "ht",	0 },			/* has tabs */
+ 	{ "nl",	1 },			/* has newline char */
+ 	{ "ep",	0 },			/* even parity */
+ 	{ "op",	0 },			/* odd parity */
+ 	{ "ap",	0 },			/* any parity */
+ 	{ "ec",	1 },			/* no echo */
+ 	{ "co",	0 },			/* console special */
+ 	{ "cb",	0 },			/* crt backspace */
+ 	{ "ck",	0 },			/* crt kill */
+ 	{ "ce",	0 },			/* crt erase */
+ 	{ "pe",	0 },			/* printer erase */
+ 	{ "rw",	1 },			/* don't use raw */
+ 	{ "xc",	1 },			/* don't ^X ctl chars */
+ 	{ "ig",	0 },			/* ignore garbage */
+ 	{ "ps",	0 },			/* do port selector speed select */
+ 	{ "hc",	1 },			/* don't set hangup on close */
+ 	{ "ub", 0 },			/* unbuffered output */
+ 	{ "ab", 0 },			/* auto-baud detect with '\r' */
+ 	{ "dx", 0 },			/* set decctlq */
+ 	{ "hf", 0 },			/* set HardwareFlowcontrol */
+ 	{ "np", 0 },			/* no parity (ie. pass8) */
+ 	{ 0 }
+ };
*** /dev/null	Wed Apr 26 08:43:51 2023
--- ./usr/src/libexec/telnetd/gettytab.c	Wed Apr 26 08:37:38 2023
*** 0 ****
--- 1,304 ----
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
+  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
+  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
+  */
+ #if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
+ static char sccsid[] = "@(#)gettytab.c	5.2 (2.11BSD) 2023/4/26";
+ #endif
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #define	TABBUFSIZ	512
+ static	char *tbuf;
+ int	hopcount;	/* detect infinite loops in termcap, init 0 */
+ char	*skip(), *getstr(), *decode();
+ /*
+  * Get an entry for terminal name in buffer bp,
+  * from the termcap file.  Parse is very rudimentary;
+  * we just notice escaped newlines.
+  */
+ getent(bp, name)
+ 	char *bp, *name;
+ {
+ 	register char *cp;
+ 	int c, tf;
+ 	register int i = 0, cnt = 0;
+ 	char ibuf[TABBUFSIZ];
+ 	tbuf = bp;
+ 	tf = open("/etc/gettytab", 0);
+ 	if (tf < 0)
+ 		return (-1);
+ 	for (;;) {
+ 		cp = bp;
+ 		for (;;) {
+ 			if (i == cnt) {
+ 				cnt = read(tf, ibuf, TABBUFSIZ);
+ 				if (cnt <= 0) {
+ 					close(tf);
+ 					return (0);
+ 				}
+ 				i = 0;
+ 			}
+ 			c = ibuf[i++];
+ 			if (c == '\n') {
+ 				if (cp > bp && cp[-1] == '\\'){
+ 					cp--;
+ 					continue;
+ 				}
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 			if (cp >= bp+TABBUFSIZ) {
+ 				write(2,"Gettytab entry too long\n", 24);
+ 				break;
+ 			} else
+ 				*cp++ = c;
+ 		}
+ 		*cp = 0;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * The real work for the match.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (namatch(name)) {
+ 			close(tf);
+ 			return(nchktc());
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+  * tnchktc: check the last entry, see if it's tc=xxx. If so,
+  * recursively find xxx and append that entry (minus the names)
+  * to take the place of the tc=xxx entry. This allows termcap
+  * entries to say "like an HP2621 but doesn't turn on the labels".
+  * Note that this works because of the left to right scan.
+  */
+ #define	MAXHOP	32
+ nchktc()
+ {
+ 	register char *p, *q;
+ 	char tcname[16];	/* name of similar terminal */
+ 	char tcbuf[TABBUFSIZ];
+ 	char *holdtbuf = tbuf;
+ 	int l;
+ 	p = tbuf + strlen(tbuf) - 2;	/* before the last colon */
+ 	while (*--p != ':')
+ 		if (p<tbuf) {
+ 			write(2, "Bad gettytab entry\n", 19);
+ 			return (0);
+ 		}
+ 	p++;
+ 	/* p now points to beginning of last field */
+ 	if (p[0] != 't' || p[1] != 'c')
+ 		return(1);
+ 	strcpy(tcname,p+3);
+ 	q = tcname;
+ 	while (q && *q != ':')
+ 		q++;
+ 	*q = 0;
+ 	if (++hopcount > MAXHOP) {
+ 		write(2, "Getty: infinite tc= loop\n", 25);
+ 		return (0);
+ 	}
+ 	if (getent(tcbuf, tcname) != 1)
+ 		return(0);
+ 	for (q=tcbuf; *q != ':'; q++)
+ 		;
+ 	l = p - holdtbuf + strlen(q);
+ 	if (l > TABBUFSIZ) {
+ 		write(2, "Gettytab entry too long\n", 24);
+ 		q[TABBUFSIZ - (p-tbuf)] = 0;
+ 	}
+ 	strcpy(p, q+1);
+ 	tbuf = holdtbuf;
+ 	return(1);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Tnamatch deals with name matching.  The first field of the termcap
+  * entry is a sequence of names separated by |'s, so we compare
+  * against each such name.  The normal : terminator after the last
+  * name (before the first field) stops us.
+  */
+ namatch(np)
+ 	char *np;
+ {
+ 	register char *Np, *Bp;
+ 	Bp = tbuf;
+ 	if (*Bp == '#')
+ 		return(0);
+ 	for (;;) {
+ 		for (Np = np; *Np && *Bp == *Np; Bp++, Np++)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (*Np == 0 && (*Bp == '|' || *Bp == ':' || *Bp == 0))
+ 			return (1);
+ 		while (*Bp && *Bp != ':' && *Bp != '|')
+ 			Bp++;
+ 		if (*Bp == 0 || *Bp == ':')
+ 			return (0);
+ 		Bp++;
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+  * Skip to the next field.  Notice that this is very dumb, not
+  * knowing about \: escapes or any such.  If necessary, :'s can be put
+  * into the termcap file in octal.
+  */
+ static char *
+ skip(bp)
+ 	register char *bp;
+ {
+ 	while (*bp && *bp != ':')
+ 		bp++;
+ 	while (*bp == ':')
+ 		bp++;
+ 	return (bp);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Return the (numeric) option id.
+  * Numeric options look like
+  *	li#80
+  * i.e. the option string is separated from the numeric value by
+  * a # character.  If the option is not found we return -1.
+  * Note that we handle octal numbers beginning with 0.
+  */
+ long
+ getnum(id)
+ 	char *id;
+ {
+ 	register long i, base;
+ 	register char *bp = tbuf;
+ 	for (;;) {
+ 		bp = skip(bp);
+ 		if (*bp == 0)
+ 			return (-1);
+ 		if (*bp++ != id[0] || *bp == 0 || *bp++ != id[1])
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (*bp == '@')
+ 			return(-1);
+ 		if (*bp != '#')
+ 			continue;
+ 		bp++;
+ 		base = 10;
+ 		if (*bp == '0')
+ 			base = 8;
+ 		i = 0;
+ 		while (isdigit(*bp))
+ 			i *= base, i += *bp++ - '0';
+ 		return (i);
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+  * Handle a flag option.
+  * Flag options are given "naked", i.e. followed by a : or the end
+  * of the buffer.  Return 1 if we find the option, or 0 if it is
+  * not given.
+  */
+ getflag(id)
+ 	char *id;
+ {
+ 	register char *bp = tbuf;
+ 	for (;;) {
+ 		bp = skip(bp);
+ 		if (!*bp)
+ 			return (-1);
+ 		if (*bp++ == id[0] && *bp != 0 && *bp++ == id[1]) {
+ 			if (!*bp || *bp == ':')
+ 				return (1);
+ 			else if (*bp == '!')
+ 				return (0);
+ 			else if (*bp == '@')
+ 				return(-1);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+  * Get a string valued option.
+  * These are given as
+  *	cl=^Z
+  * Much decoding is done on the strings, and the strings are
+  * placed in area, which is a ref parameter which is updated.
+  * No checking on area overflow.
+  */
+ char *
+ getstr(id, area)
+ 	char *id, **area;
+ {
+ 	register char *bp = tbuf;
+ 	for (;;) {
+ 		bp = skip(bp);
+ 		if (!*bp)
+ 			return (0);
+ 		if (*bp++ != id[0] || *bp == 0 || *bp++ != id[1])
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (*bp == '@')
+ 			return(0);
+ 		if (*bp != '=')
+ 			continue;
+ 		bp++;
+ 		return (decode(bp, area));
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+  * Tdecode does the grung work to decode the
+  * string capability escapes.
+  */
+ static char *
+ decode(str, area)
+ 	register char *str;
+ 	char **area;
+ {
+ 	register char *cp;
+ 	register int c;
+ 	register char *dp;
+ 	int i;
+ 	cp = *area;
+ 	while ((c = *str++) && c != ':') {
+ 		switch (c) {
+ 		case '^':
+ 			c = *str++ & 037;
+ 			break;
+ 		case '\\':
+ 			dp = "E\033^^\\\\::n\nr\rt\tb\bf\f";
+ 			c = *str++;
+ nextc:
+ 			if (*dp++ == c) {
+ 				c = *dp++;
+ 				break;
+ 			}
+ 			dp++;
+ 			if (*dp)
+ 				goto nextc;
+ 			if (isdigit(c)) {
+ 				c -= '0', i = 2;
+ 				do
+ 					c <<= 3, c |= *str++ - '0';
+ 				while (--i && isdigit(*str));
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		*cp++ = c;
+ 	}
+ 	*cp++ = 0;
+ 	str = *area;
+ 	*area = cp;
+ 	return (str);
+ }
*** /dev/null	Wed Apr 26 08:43:51 2023
--- ./usr/src/libexec/telnetd/subr.c	Wed Apr 26 08:48:37 2023
*** 0 ****
--- 1,254 ----
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
+  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
+  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
+  */
+ #if	!defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
+ static char sccsid[] = "@(#)subr.c	5.5 (2.11BSD) 2023/4/13";
+ #endif
+ /*
+  * Melbourne getty.
+  */
+ #include <sgtty.h>
+ #include "gettytab.h"
+ extern	struct sgttyb tmode;
+ extern	struct tchars tc;
+ extern	struct ltchars ltc;
+ /*
+  * Get a table entry.
+  */
+ gettable(name, buf, area)
+ 	char *name, *buf, *area;
+ {
+ 	register struct gettystrs *sp;
+ 	register struct gettynums *np;
+ 	register struct gettyflags *fp;
+ 	long ln;
+ 	int n;
+ 	hopcount = 0;		/* new lookup, start fresh */
+ 	if (getent(buf, name) != 1)
+ 		return;
+ 	for (sp = gettystrs; sp->field; sp++)
+ 		sp->value = getstr(sp->field, &area);
+ 	for (np = gettynums; np->field; np++) {
+ 		ln = getnum(np->field);
+ 		if (ln == -1)
+ 			np->set = 0;
+ 		else {
+ 			np->set = 1;
+ 			np->value = ln;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	for (fp = gettyflags; fp->field; fp++) {
+ 		n = getflag(fp->field);
+ 		if (n == -1)
+ 			fp->set = 0;
+ 		else {
+ 			fp->set = 1;
+ 			fp->value = n ^ fp->invrt;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ gendefaults()
+ {
+ 	register struct gettystrs *sp;
+ 	register struct gettynums *np;
+ 	register struct gettyflags *fp;
+ 	for (sp = gettystrs; sp->field; sp++)
+ 		if (sp->value)
+ 			sp->defalt = sp->value;
+ 	for (np = gettynums; np->field; np++)
+ 		if (np->set)
+ 			np->defalt = np->value;
+ 	for (fp = gettyflags; fp->field; fp++)
+ 		if (fp->set)
+ 			fp->defalt = fp->value;
+ 		else
+ 			fp->defalt = fp->invrt;
+ }
+ setdefaults()
+ {
+ 	register struct gettystrs *sp;
+ 	register struct gettynums *np;
+ 	register struct gettyflags *fp;
+ 	for (sp = gettystrs; sp->field; sp++)
+ 		if (!sp->value)
+ 			sp->value = sp->defalt;
+ 	for (np = gettynums; np->field; np++)
+ 		if (!np->set)
+ 			np->value = np->defalt;
+ 	for (fp = gettyflags; fp->field; fp++)
+ 		if (!fp->set)
+ 			fp->value = fp->defalt;
+ }
+ static char **
+ charnames[] = {
+ 	&ER, &KL, &IN, &QU, &XN, &XF, &ET, &BK,
+ 	&SU, &DS, &RP, &FL, &WE, &LN, 0
+ };
+ static char *
+ charvars[] = {
+ 	&tmode.sg_erase, &tmode.sg_kill, &tc.t_intrc,
+ 	&tc.t_quitc, &tc.t_startc, &tc.t_stopc,
+ 	&tc.t_eofc, &tc.t_brkc, &ltc.t_suspc,
+ 	&ltc.t_dsuspc, &ltc.t_rprntc, &ltc.t_flushc,
+ 	&ltc.t_werasc, &ltc.t_lnextc, 0
+ };
+ setchars()
+ {
+ 	register int i;
+ 	register char *p;
+ 	for (i = 0; charnames[i]; i++) {
+ 		p = *charnames[i];
+ 		if (p && *p)
+ 			*charvars[i] = *p;
+ 		else
+ 			*charvars[i] = '\377';
+ 	}
+ }
+ long
+ setflags(n)
+ {
+ 	register long f;
+ 	switch (n) {
+ 	case 0:
+ 		if (F0set)
+ 			return(F0);
+ 		break;
+ 	case 1:
+ 		if (F1set)
+ 			return(F1);
+ 		break;
+ 	default:
+ 		if (F2set)
+ 			return(F2);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+ 	f = 0;
+ 	if (AP)
+ 		f |= ANYP;
+ 	else if (OP)
+ 		f |= ODDP;
+ 	else if (EP)
+ 		f |= EVENP;
+ 	if (HF)
+ 		f |= RTSCTS;
+ 	if (NL)
+ 		f |= CRMOD;
+ 	if (n == 1) {		/* read mode flags */
+ 		if (RW)
+ 			f |= RAW;
+ 		else
+ 			f |= CBREAK;
+ 		return (f);
+ 	}
+ 	if (!HT)
+ 		f |= XTABS;
+ 	if (n == 0)
+ 		return (f);
+ 	if (CB)
+ 		f |= CRTBS;
+ 	if (CE)
+ 		f |= CRTERA;
+ 	if (CK)
+ 		f |= CRTKIL;
+ 	if (PE)
+ 		f |= PRTERA;
+ 	if (GEC)
+ 		f |= ECHO;
+ 	if (XC)
+ 		f |= CTLECH;
+ 	if (DX)
+ 		f |= DECCTQ;
+ 	if (NP)
+ 		f |= PASS8;
+ 	return (f);
+ }
+ char	editedhost[32];
+ edithost(pat)
+ 	register char *pat;
+ {
+ 	register char *host = HN;
+ 	register char *res = editedhost;
+ 	if (!pat)
+ 		pat = "";
+ 	while (*pat) {
+ 		switch (*pat) {
+ 		case '#':
+ 			if (*host)
+ 				host++;
+ 			break;
+ 		case '@':
+ 			if (*host)
+ 				*res++ = *host++;
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 			*res++ = *pat;
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		if (res == &editedhost[sizeof editedhost - 1]) {
+ 			*res = '\0';
+ 			return;
+ 		}
+ 		pat++;
+ 	}
+ 	if (*host)
+ 		strncpy(res, host, sizeof editedhost - (res - editedhost) - 1);
+ 	else
+ 		*res = '\0';
+ 	editedhost[sizeof editedhost - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ void makeenv(env, term)
+ 	char *env[];
+         char *term;
+ {
+ 	static char termbuf[128] = "TERM=";
+ 	register char *p, *q;
+ 	register char **ep;
+ 	char *index();
+ 	ep = env;
+ 	if (*term) {
+ 		strcat(termbuf, term);
+ 		*ep++ = termbuf;
+ 	}
+ 	if (p = EV) {
+ 		q = p;
+ 		while (q = index(q, ',')) {
+ 			*q++ = '\0';
+ 			*ep++ = p;
+ 			p = q;
+ 		}
+ 		if (*p)
+ 			*ep++ = p;
+ 	}
+ 	*ep = (char *)0;
+ }
*** /dev/null	Wed Apr 26 08:43:51 2023
--- ./usr/src/libexec/telnetd/gettytab.h	Mon Apr 17 21:07:28 2023
*** 0 ****
--- 1,114 ----
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
+  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
+  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
+  *
+  *	@(#)gettytab.h	5.3 (2.11BSD) 2023/4/13
+  */
+ /*
+  * Getty description definitions.
+  */
+ struct	gettystrs {
+ 	char	*field;		/* name to lookup in gettytab */
+ 	char	*defalt;	/* value we find by looking in defaults */
+ 	char	*value;		/* value that we find there */
+ };
+ struct	gettynums {
+ 	char	*field;		/* name to lookup */
+ 	long	defalt;		/* number we find in defaults */
+ 	long	value;		/* number we find there */
+ 	int	set;		/* we actually got this one */
+ };
+ struct gettyflags {
+ 	char	*field;		/* name to lookup */
+ 	char	invrt;		/* name existing in gettytab --> false */
+ 	char	defalt;		/* true/false in defaults */
+ 	char	value;		/* true/false flag */
+ 	char	set;		/* we found it */
+ };
+ /*
+  * String values.
+  */
+ #define	NX	gettystrs[0].value
+ #define	CL	gettystrs[1].value
+ #define IM	gettystrs[2].value
+ #define	LM	gettystrs[3].value
+ #define	ER	gettystrs[4].value
+ #define	KL	gettystrs[5].value
+ #define	ET	gettystrs[6].value
+ #define	PC	gettystrs[7].value
+ #define	TT	gettystrs[8].value
+ #define	EV	gettystrs[9].value
+ #define	LO	gettystrs[10].value
+ #define HN	gettystrs[11].value
+ #define HE	gettystrs[12].value
+ #define IN	gettystrs[13].value
+ #define QU	gettystrs[14].value
+ #define XN	gettystrs[15].value
+ #define XF	gettystrs[16].value
+ #define BK	gettystrs[17].value
+ #define SU	gettystrs[18].value
+ #define DS	gettystrs[19].value
+ #define RP	gettystrs[20].value
+ #define FL	gettystrs[21].value
+ #define WE	gettystrs[22].value
+ #define LN	gettystrs[23].value
+ /*
+  * Numeric definitions.
+  */
+ #define	IS	gettynums[0].value
+ #define	OS	gettynums[1].value
+ #define	SP	gettynums[2].value
+ #define	TO	gettynums[3].value
+ #define	F0	gettynums[4].value
+ #define	F0set	gettynums[4].set
+ #define	F1	gettynums[5].value
+ #define	F1set	gettynums[5].set
+ #define	F2	gettynums[6].value
+ #define	F2set	gettynums[6].set
+ #define	PF	gettynums[7].value
+ /*
+  * Boolean values.
+  */
+ #define	HT	gettyflags[0].value
+ #define	NL	gettyflags[1].value
+ #define	EP	gettyflags[2].value
+ #define	EPset	gettyflags[2].set
+ #define	OP	gettyflags[3].value
+ #define	OPset	gettyflags[2].set
+ #define	AP	gettyflags[4].value
+ #define	APset	gettyflags[2].set
+ #define	GEC	gettyflags[5].value
+ #define	CO	gettyflags[6].value
+ #define	CB	gettyflags[7].value
+ #define	CK	gettyflags[8].value
+ #define	CE	gettyflags[9].value
+ #define	PE	gettyflags[10].value
+ #define	RW	gettyflags[11].value
+ #define	XC	gettyflags[12].value
+ #define	IG	gettyflags[13].value
+ #define	PS	gettyflags[14].value
+ #define	HC	gettyflags[15].value
+ #define UB	gettyflags[16].value
+ #define AB	gettyflags[17].value
+ #define DX	gettyflags[18].value
+ #define HF	gettyflags[19].value
+ #define NP	gettyflags[20].value
+ int	getent();
+ long	getnum();
+ int	getflag();
+ char	*getstr();
+ long	setflags();
+ extern	struct gettyflags gettyflags[];
+ extern	struct gettynums gettynums[];
+ extern	struct gettystrs gettystrs[];
+ extern	int hopcount;