This directory contains sources for 512restor and 1024restor, restore
programs which can read V7-style dump tapes generated on 512-block
file systems (straight V7), and 1024-block file systems (Ultrix-11),

Table of contents:

	1024:		directory where 1024restor is made
	512:		ditto, 512restor
	Makefile:	the Magic Makefile (invokes make in 512 and 1024)
	README:		this file

	dir.c:		Source code for the programs, #ifdef'd on ULTRIX_11
	getfile.c:	to produce two different executables.

	dump.5.v7:	N/troff source for standard V7 documents giving
	filsys.5.v7:	helpful information about the environment where
	types.5.v7:	the V7 dump tapes were created.

	v7restor.c:	Source for original V7 restor program, here for

Scott Narveson, August 1988