define(docopy,1)     # labels

# docmd --- handle all commands except globals

   integer function docmd (lin, i, glob, status)
   character lin (ARB)
   integer i, glob, status

   include SE_COMMON

   character file (MAXLINE), sub (MAXPAT)
   integer gflag, line3, pflag, flag, fflag, junk, kname, allbut
   integer append, ckchar, ckp, ckupd, copy, delete, domark,
      doopt, doprnt, doread, dotlit, doundo, dowrit, getfn,
      getkn, getone, getrange, getrhs, getstr, join, makset,
      move, nextln, optpat, prevln, subst, draw_box, doshell
   logical intrpt, brkflag
   integer j, missing_delim

   status = ERR

   if (intrpt (brkflag))   # check for an interrupt


      select (lin (i))
         when (APPENDCOM, UCAPPENDCOM) {
            if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE || lin (i + 1) == ':'c) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE) { # avoid updating with inline insertion
                  call adjust_window (Line1, Line2)
                  call updscreen
               status = append (Line2, lin (i + 1))

         when (PRINTCUR) {
            if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               call saynum (Line2)
               status = OK

            call defalt (Curln, Curln)
            if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE)
               call overlay (status)

         when (CHANGE, UCCHANGE) {
            call defalt (Curln, Curln)
            if (Line1 <= 0)
               Errcode = EORANGE
            elif (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE || lin (i + 1) == ':'c) {
               if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE) { # avoid updating with inline insertion
                  call adjust_window (Line2, Line2)
                  call updscreen
               First_affected = min (First_affected, Line1)
               if (First_affected > Line1)
                  First_affected = Line1
               if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE)
                  call warn_deleted (Line1, Line2)
               status = append (Line2, lin (i + 1))
               if (status ~= ERR) {
                  line3 = Curln
                  call delete (Line1, Line2, status)
                  Curln = line3 - (Line2 - Line1 + 1) # adjust for deleted lines

         when (DELCOM, UCDELCOM) {
            if (ckp (lin, i + 1, pflag, status) == OK) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               if (delete (Line1, Line2, status) == OK
                     && Ddir == FORWARD
                     && nextln (Curln) ~= 0)
                  Curln = nextln (Curln)

         when (INSERT, UCINSERT) {
            call defalt (Curln, Curln)
            if (Line1 <= 0)
               Errcode = EORANGE
            elif (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE || lin (i + 1) == ':'c) {
               if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE) { # avoid updating with inline insertion
                  call adjust_window (Line1, Line2)
                  call updscreen
               status = append (prevln (Line2), lin (i + 1))

         when (MOVECOM, UCMOVECOM) {
            i += 1
            if (getone (lin, i, line3, status) == EOF)
               status = ERR
            if (status == OK && ckp (lin, i, pflag, status) == OK) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               status = move (line3)

         when (COPYCOM, UCCOPYCOM) {
            if (Unix_mode == YES)
               goto translit        # UNIX uses 'y' for translit
            # else
               # fall through and act normally
      docopy _
            i += 1
            if (getone (lin, i, line3, status) == EOF)
               status = ERR
            if (status == OK && ckp (lin, i, pflag, status) == OK) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               status = copy (line3)

            i += 1
            if (lin (i) == NEWLINE) {
               lin (i + 0) = '/'c
               lin (i + 1) = '/'c
               if (Unix_mode == NO)
                  lin (i + 2) = '&'c
                  lin (i + 2) = '%'c
               lin (i + 3) = '/'c
               lin (i + 4) = NEWLINE
               lin (i + 5) = EOS
               Peekc = SKIP_RIGHT
            else {   # try to handle "s/stuff<NEWLINE>"
               missing_delim = YES

               for (j = i + 1; lin (j) ~= EOS; j += 1)
                  if (lin (j) == ESCAPE && lin (j + 1) == lin (i))
                     j += 1   # skip esc, loop will skip char
                  else if (lin (j) == lin (i)) {
                     missing_delim = NO
                     break # for

               if (missing_delim == YES) {
                  for (; lin (j) ~= EOS; j += 1)
                  j -= 1   # j now at NEWLINE

                  # supply trialing delim
                  lin (j) = lin (i)
                  lin (j + 1) = NEWLINE
                  lin (j + 2) = EOS
                  Peekc = SKIP_RIGHT
                  # rest of the routines will continue to fix up

            if (optpat (lin, i) == OK
                  && getrhs (lin, i, sub, gflag) == OK
                  && ckp (lin, i + 1, pflag, status) == OK) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               status = subst (sub, gflag, glob)

         when (TLITCOM, UCTLITCOM) {
            if (Unix_mode == YES)
               goto docopy       # UNIX uses 't' for copying
           # else
               # fall through and act normally
      translit _
            i += 1
            if (lin (i) == NEWLINE) {   # turn "y NEWLINE" into "y//&/<NEWLINE>"
               lin (i + 0) = '/'c
               lin (i + 1) = '/'c
               if (Unix_mode == NO)
                  lin (i + 2) = '&'c
                  lin (i + 2) = '%'c
               lin (i + 3) = '/'c
               lin (i + 4) = NEWLINE
               lin (i + 5) = EOS
               Peekc = SKIP_RIGHT
            else {   # try to handle "y/stuff<NEWLINE>"
               missing_delim = YES

               for (j = i + 1; lin (j) ~= EOS; j += 1)
                  if (lin (j) == ESCAPE && lin (j + 1) == lin (i))
                     j += 1   # skip esc, loop will skip char
                  else if (lin (j) == lin (i)) {
                     missing_delim = NO
                     break # for

               if (missing_delim == YES) {
                  for (; lin (j) ~= EOS; j += 1)
                  j -= 1   # j now at NEWLINE

                  # supply trialing delim
                  lin (j) = lin (i)
                  lin (j + 1) = NEWLINE
                  lin (j + 2) = EOS
                  Peekc = SKIP_RIGHT
                  # rest of the routines will continue to fix up

            if (getrange (lin, i, Tlpat, MAXPAT, allbut) == OK
                  && makset (lin, i, sub, MAXPAT) == OK
                  && ckp (lin, i + 1, pflag, status) == OK) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               status = dotlit (sub, allbut)

         when (JOINCOM, UCJOINCOM) {
            i += 1
            if (getstr (lin, i, sub, MAXPAT) == OK
                  && ckp (lin, i + 1, pflag, status) == OK) {
               call defalt (prevln (Curln), Curln)
               status = join (sub)

         when (UNDOCMD, UCUNDOCMD) {
            i += 1
            call defalt (Curln, Curln)
            if (ckchar (UCDELCOM, DELCOM, lin, i, flag, status) == OK
                  && ckp (lin, i, pflag, status) == OK)
               status = doundo (flag, status)

         when (ENTER, UCENTER) {
            i += 1
            if (Nlines ~= 0)
               Errcode = EBADLNR
            elif (ckupd (lin, i, ENTER, status) == OK)
               if (getfn (lin, i - 1, file) == OK) {
                  call scopy (file, 1, Savfil, 1)
                  call mesg (file, FILE_MSG)
                  call clrbuf
                  call setbuf
                  status = doread (0, file)
                  First_affected = 0
                  Curln = min (1, Lastln) # in case file was empty
                  Buffer_changed = NO
                  status = ERR

         when (PRINTFIL, UCPRINTFIL) {
            if (Nlines ~= 0)
               Errcode = EBADLNR
            elif (getfn (lin, i, file) == OK) {
               call scopy (file, 1, Savfil, 1)
               call mesg (file, FILE_MSG)
               status = OK

         when (READCOM, UCREADCOM) {
            if (getfn (lin, i, file) == OK) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               status = doread (Line2, file)

         when (WRITECOM, UCWRITECOM) {
            i += 1
            flag = NO
            fflag = NO
            call ckchar ('+'c, '>'c, lin, i, flag, junk)
            if (flag == NO)
               call ckchar ('!'c, '!'c, lin, i, fflag, junk)
            if (getfn (lin, i - 1, file) == OK) {
               call defalt (1, Lastln)
               status = dowrit (Line1, Line2, file, flag, fflag)

         when (PRINT, UCPRINT) {
            if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE) {
               call defalt (1, Topln)
               status = doprnt (Line1, Line2)

         when (PAGECOM) {
            call defalt (1, min (Lastln, Botrow - Toprow + Topln))
            if (Line1 <= 0)
               Errcode = EORANGE
            elif (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE) {
               Topln = Line2
               Curln = Line2
               First_affected = Line2
               status = OK

         when (NAMECOM, UCNAMECOM) {
            i += 1
            if (getkn (lin, i, kname, DEFAULTNAME) ~= ERR
                  && lin (i) == NEWLINE)
               call uniquely_name (kname, status)

         when (MARKCOM, UCMARKCOM) {
            i += 1
            if (getkn (lin, i, kname, DEFAULTNAME) ~= ERR
                  && lin (i) == NEWLINE) {
               call defalt (Curln, Curln)
               status = domark (kname)

         when (NEWLINE) {
            line3 = nextln (Curln)
            call defalt (line3, line3)
            status = doprnt (Line2, Line2)

         when (LOCATECMD, UCLOCATECMD) {
            if (lin (i + 1) == NEWLINE) {
               call whereami
               status = OK

         when (OPTCOM, UCOPTCOM) {
            call defalt (Curln, Curln)
            status = doopt (lin, i)

         when (QUIT, UCQUIT) {
            i += 1
            if (Nlines ~= 0)
               Errcode = EBADLNR
            elif (ckupd (lin, i, QUIT, status) == OK)
               if (lin (i) == NEWLINE)
                  status = EOF
                  status = ERR

         when (HELP, UCHELP) {
            i += 1
            if (Nlines == 0)
               call dohelp (lin, i, status)
               Errcode = EBADLNR

         when (MISCCOM, UCMISCCOM) {
            i += 1
            select (lin (i))
               when ('b'c, 'B'c) {
                  call defalt (Curln, Curln)
                  i += 1
                  status = draw_box (lin, i)
               Errcode = EWHATZAT

         when (SHELLCOM) {
            if (Unix_mode == YES)
               call error ("in docmd: can't happen"p)
         shellcom _
            i += 1
            call defalt (Curln, Curln)
            status = doshell (lin, i)

         when ('!'c) {
            if (Unix_mode == YES)
               goto shellcom
               Errcode = EWHATZAT

      else     # command not recognized
         Errcode = EWHATZAT

   if (status == OK)
      Probation = NO

   return (status)
