#  maklib --- build the library entries for the shared shell library

   declare _search_rule = "^int,^var,&,=bin=/&"
   declare count

   ### create dynts for all available shell routines
   dynts> tlit a-z A-Z | change ?* " SEG@n DYNT &@n END" >vshlib.s
   pmac vshlib.s

   ### create the vshlib library
   >> cto | x
      edb vshlib.b _vshlib
      copy all

      r lib>libedb
      _vshlib vshlib 0

   ### build hash table
   dynts> tlit a-z A-Z | tee -2 >temp[line] 2| tc -l | set count =
   temp[line]> hasher [eval count*3/2] [count] >hash_table

   del vshlib.s vshlib.b _vshlib temp[line]