# translang --- D-Machine microprogramming language translator define(DEBUG,) include "translang_def.r.i" call initialize call get_options call translate stop end include PRODUCTIONS # binary_op_oracle --- look ahead for a binary operator subroutine binary_op_oracle (state) integer state include COMMONBLOCKS integer sv_symbol, sv_symval, sv_ibp character sv_symtext (MAXLINE) state = NOMATCH if (Symbol == INT_DENOTATION && Sym_val ~= 0) return if (Symbol ~= INT_DENOTATION && Symbol ~= A1_SYM && Symbol ~= A2_SYM && Symbol ~= A3_SYM && Symbol ~= CTR_SYM && Symbol ~= LIT_SYM) return call scopy (Sym_text, 1, sv_symtext, 1) sv_symbol = Symbol sv_symval = Sym_val sv_ibp = Ibp call getsym call operator (state) if (state == NOMATCH) if (Symbol == PLUS_SYM || Symbol == MINUS_SYM) state = ACCEPT call scopy (sv_symtext, 1, Sym_text, 1) Symbol = sv_symbol Sym_val = sv_symval Ibp = sv_ibp return end # bit_field --- extract a string of bits that will fit in a machine word integer function bit_field (start, len, struct) integer start, len, struct (ARB) integer w1, w2, bleft, res w1 = (start - 1) / BITS_PER_WORD + 1 w2 = struct (w1 + 1) w1 = struct (w1) bleft = BITS_PER_WORD - mod (start - 1, BITS_PER_WORD) res = rt (w1, bleft) if (bleft >= len) return (rs (res, bleft - len)) res = ls (res, len - bleft) w2 = rs (w2, BITS_PER_WORD - (len - bleft)) return (or (res, w2)) end # bmcl --- parse B-register gating information subroutine bmcl (state) integer state include COMMONBLOCKS string gate "0tf1" integer mst, mid, lst integer index state = NOMATCH if (Symbol ~= LABEL_SYM || Sym_text (1) ~= 'b'c) return mst = index (gate, Sym_text (2)) mid = index (gate, Sym_text (3)) lst = index (gate, Sym_text (4)) if (mst == 0 || mid == 0 || lst == 0 || Sym_text (5) ~= EOS) return mst -= 1 mid -= 1 lst -= 1 state = ACCEPT Litval = or (ls (mst, 5), lst) if (Sym_text (3) == 't'c) Litval |= 2r10000 else if (Sym_text (3) == '1'c) { Litval = and (not (Litval), 2r1100011) Comp_y = TRUE } else if (Sym_text (3) == 'f'c) { Litval = or (and (not (Litval), 2r1100011), 2r10000) Comp_y = TRUE } call getsym return end # errmsg --- print error message, with some modicum of context subroutine errmsg (message) packed_char message (ARB) include COMMONBLOCKS integer i if (Listing || Binary) call putlin ("****** "s, STDOUT) else call print (STDOUT, "*i: "s, Line_number) call print (STDOUT, '"'s) for (i = max0 (1, Ibp - 5); Inbuf (i) ~= NEWLINE && i <= Ibp + 5; i += 1) call putch (Inbuf (Ibp), STDOUT) call print (STDOUT, '" *p*n's, message) return end # find_labels --- find all the labels in a program, determine their values subroutine find_labels include COMMONBLOCKS integer state integer getlin Micro_lc = 0 while (getlin (Inbuf, Infile) ~= EOF) { call mapstr (Inbuf, LOWER) Ibp = 1 call getsym call label_oracle (state) if (state == ACCEPT) { call enter (Sym_text, Micro_lc, Ltab) call getsym # to get the label terminator call getsym # to skip it } if (Symbol ~= STMT_END) Micro_lc += 1 } return end # get_options --- get command-line options subroutine get_options include COMMONBLOCKS ARG_DECL character file (MAXPATH) file_des open, create integer i integer getarg, length string umesg "Usage: translang [-{l|b}] <input_file> [-h <hex_file>]" PARSE_COMMAND_LINE ("l<flag> b<flag> h<req str>"s, umesg) if (getarg (1, file, MAXPATH) == EOF) call error (umesg) Infile = open (file, READ) if (Infile == ERR) call cant (file) if (getarg (2, i, 1) ~= EOF) call error (umesg) if (ARG_PRESENT (h)) call scopy (ARG_TEXT (h), 1, file, 1) else { for (i = length (file); i >= 1 && file (i) ~= '.'c; i -= 1) ; if (i < 1) call scopy (".h"s, 1, file, length (file) + 1) else call scopy (".h"s, 1, file, i) } Outfile = create (file, WRITE) if (Outfile == ERR) call cant (file) if (ARG_PRESENT (l)) Listing = TRUE else Listing = FALSE if (ARG_PRESENT (b)) Binary = TRUE else Binary = FALSE return end # getsym --- get next symbol from input line subroutine getsym include COMMONBLOCKS string_table rwpos, rwtext _ / A1_SYM, "a1" _ / A2_SYM, "a2" _ / A3_SYM, "a3" _ / AAD_SYM, "aad" _ / ABT_SYM, "abt" _ / AMPCR_SYM, "ampcr" _ / AND_SYM, "and" _ / AOV_SYM, "aov" _ / B_SYM, "b" _ / BAD_SYM, "bad" _ / BBA_SYM, "bba" _ / BBE_SYM, "bbe" _ / BBI_SYM, "bbi" _ / BEX_SYM, "bex" _ / BMI_SYM, "bmi" _ / BR1_SYM, "br1" _ / BR2_SYM, "br2" _ / C_SYM, "c" _ / CALL_SYM, "call" _ / STMT_END, "comment" _ / STMT_END, "commnt" _ / COMP_SYM, "comp" _ / COV_SYM, "cov" _ / CSAR_SYM, "csar" _ / CTR_SYM, "ctr" _ / ELSE_SYM, "else" _ / STMT_END, "end" _ / EQV_SYM, "eqv" _ / EXEC_SYM, "exec" _ / IF_SYM, "if" _ / IMP_SYM, "imp" _ / INC_SYM, "inc" _ / JUMP_SYM, "jump" _ / L_SYM, "l" _ / LC1_SYM, "lc1" _ / LC2_SYM, "lc2" _ / LC3_SYM, "lc3" _ / LCTR_SYM, "lctr" _ / LIT_SYM, "lit" _ / LMAR_SYM, "lmar" _ / LST_SYM, "lst" _ / MAR_SYM, "mar" _ / MAR1_SYM, "mar1" _ / MAR2_SYM, "mar2" _ / MIR_SYM, "mir" _ / MR1_SYM, "mr1" _ / MR2_SYM, "mr2" _ / MST_SYM, "mst" _ / MW1_SYM, "mw1" _ / MW2_SYM, "mw2" _ / NAN_SYM, "nan" _ / NIM_SYM, "nim" _ / NOR_SYM, "nor" _ / NOT_SYM, "not" _ / NRI_SYM, "nri" _ / OAD_SYM, "oad" _ / OR_SYM, "or" _ / R_SYM, "r" _ / RDC_SYM, "rdc" _ / RETN_SYM, "retn" _ / RIM_SYM, "rim" _ / SAI_SYM, "sai" _ / SAR_SYM, "sar" _ / SAVE_SYM, "save" _ / SET_SYM, "set" _ / SKIP_SYM, "skip" _ / SLIT_SYM, "slit" _ / STEP_SYM, "step" _ / THEN_SYM, "then" _ / WAIT_SYM, "wait" _ / WHEN_SYM, "when" _ / XOR_SYM, "xor" integer i integer ctoi, strbsr repeat { # until we get a legitimate symbol while (Inbuf (Ibp) == ' 'c) Ibp += 1 select (Inbuf (Ibp)) when (SET_OF_LOWER_CASE) { i = 1 while (IS_LOWER (Inbuf (Ibp)) || IS_DIGIT (Inbuf (Ibp))) { Sym_text (i) = Inbuf (Ibp) i += 1 Ibp += 1 } Sym_text (i) = EOS i = strbsr (rwpos, rwtext, 1, Sym_text) if (i == EOF) Symbol = LABEL_SYM else Symbol = rwtext (rwpos (i)) } when (SET_OF_DIGITS) { Symbol = INT_DENOTATION Sym_val = ctoi (Inbuf, Ibp) } when ('$'c, '%'c, NEWLINE) Symbol = STMT_END when ('+'c) { Symbol = PLUS_SYM Ibp += 1 } when ('-'c) { Symbol = MINUS_SYM Ibp += 1 if (Inbuf (Ibp) == '>'c) { Symbol = ASSIGN_SYM Ibp += 1 } } when ('.'c, ':'c) { Symbol = LABEL_TERM_SYM Ibp += 1 } when ('='c) { Symbol = ASSIGN_SYM Ibp += 1 } when (','c) { Ibp += 1 next } ifany break else { call errmsg ("illegal character encountered"p) next } } return end # initialize --- initialize everything subroutine initialize include COMMONBLOCKS pointer mktabl call dsinit (MEMSIZE) Ltab = mktabl (LABEL_INFO_SIZE) return end # insert_x --- insert magic 'X' bit into data destined for the SAR integer function insert_x (dat) integer dat return (or (ls (lt (dat, 14), 1), rt (dat, 2))) end # label_oracle --- look into the future for a label terminator subroutine label_oracle (state) integer state include COMMONBLOCKS integer sv_symbol, sv_symval, sv_ibp character sv_symtext (MAXLINE) if (Symbol ~= LABEL_SYM) { state = NOMATCH return } call scopy (Sym_text, 1, sv_symtext, 1) sv_symbol = Symbol sv_symval = Sym_val sv_ibp = Ibp call getsym if (Symbol == LABEL_TERM_SYM) state = ACCEPT else state = NOMATCH call scopy (sv_symtext, 1, Sym_text, 1) Symbol = sv_symbol Sym_val = sv_symval Ibp = sv_ibp return end # literal_lhs_oracle --- look into the future for a literal assignment subroutine literal_lhs_oracle (state) integer state include COMMONBLOCKS integer sv_symbol, sv_symval, sv_ibp, st character sv_symtext (MAXLINE) call scopy (Sym_text, 1, sv_symtext, 1) sv_symbol = Symbol sv_symval = Sym_val sv_ibp = Ibp call literal (st) if (st == ACCEPT) if (Symbol ~= ASSIGN_SYM) state = NOMATCH else { call getsym if (Symbol == AMPCR_SYM || Symbol == SAR_SYM || Symbol == LIT_SYM || Symbol == SLIT_SYM) state = ACCEPT else state = NOMATCH } else state = NOMATCH call scopy (sv_symtext, 1, Sym_text, 1) Symbol = sv_symbol Sym_val = sv_symval Ibp = sv_ibp return end # micro_program --- translate a microprogram subroutine micro_program include COMMONBLOCKS integer state, mlc, nlc integer getlin, bit_field procedure write_hex (fd) forward Line_number = 0 Micro_lc = 0 Nano_lc = 0 while (getlin (Inbuf, Infile) ~= EOF) { call mapstr (Inbuf, LOWER) Line_number += 1 if (Listing || Binary) call print (STDOUT, "*4i| *4,-16,0i *s*n"s, Line_number, Micro_lc, Inbuf) mlc = Micro_lc nlc = Nano_lc Ibp = 1 call getsym call instruction (state) if (Symbol ~= STMT_END) call errmsg ("unrecognizable or incomplete statement"p) if (Binary && mlc ~= Micro_lc) call print (STDOUT, "*13x*16,-2,0i*n"s, Micro_mem (mlc + 1)) if (Binary && nlc ~= Nano_lc) { call print (STDOUT, "*13x*3,2,0u*4i *i *i *i *i *i *8i"s, bit_field (1, 4, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (5, 3, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (8, 3, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (11, 3, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (14, 3, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (17, 3, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (20, 8, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)) ) call print (STDOUT, "*x*4,2,0u*i *2i *3i *i *2i *i *i *i*1n"s, bit_field (28, 4, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (32, 2, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (34, 3, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (37, 4, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (41, 2, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (43, 4, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (47, 4, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (51, 4, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)) ) } if (Binary && (nlc ~= Nano_lc || mlc ~= Micro_lc)) call print (STDOUT, "*n"s) } if (Listing) { call print (STDOUT, "*n*nHex Translation:*n*n"s) write_hex (STDOUT) } write_hex (Outfile) return procedure write_hex { local mlc, nlc integer mlc, nlc, fd for (mlc = 0; mlc < Micro_lc; mlc += 1) { call print (fd, "*4,-16,0u*i *i"s, mlc, Micro_mem (mlc + 1)) if (bit_field (1, 4, Micro_mem (mlc + 1)) == 2r1111) { nlc = bit_field (5, 12, Micro_mem (mlc + 1)) call print (fd, "*4,-16,0u *i *i *i *i"s, bit_field (1, 16, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (17, 16, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (33, 16, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)), bit_field (49, 16, Nano_mem (1, nlc + 1)) ) } call print (fd, "*n"s) } } end # setf --- place an integer into a given bit string field subroutine setf (start, len, dst, val) integer val, len, start, dst (ARB) integer i, mask, bleft, lval data mask /:177777/ # a word with all bits set i = (start - 1) / BITS_PER_WORD + 1 lval = rt (val, len) bleft = BITS_PER_WORD - mod (start - 1, BITS_PER_WORD) if (bleft >= len) dst (i) = or (and (dst (i), not (ls (rt (mask, len), bleft - len))), ls (lval, bleft - len)) else { dst (i) = or (and (dst (i), not (rt (mask, bleft))), rs (lval, len - bleft)) dst (i + 1) = or (and (dst (i + 1), not (lt (mask, len - bleft))), ls (lval, BITS_PER_WORD - (len - bleft))) } return end # translate --- convert Translang source code to hexadecimal subroutine translate include COMMONBLOCKS call find_labels call rewind (Infile) call micro_program return end