/* sph --- System PHantom processor
*     'Sph' will spawn a processor for a privileged user. The caller
*  may set the user name, the project, and the groups of the spawned
*  process.
*     Error conditions are bad arguments, the file cannot be accessed,
*   the user is not privileged, or there are no available phantoms.

sph : proc (args, status);
   args     char (1024) var,
   status   bin;

$Insert syscom>keys.ins.pl1

   CPL_FLAG    by    1,       /* cpl input file     */
   INH_FLAG    by    4;       /* inherit attributes */

   1  spawn_struct,
      2  version        bin,                 /* structure version (1) */
      2  userid         char (32) var,       /* name to be spawned    */
      2  projid         char (32) var,       /* project to spawn      */
      2  utype          bin,                 /* terminal, slave, etc  */
      2  level          bin,                 /* level of the readylist*/
      2  validation     bin,                 /* privilege bits        */
      2  timeslice      bin,                 /* timeslice             */
      2  groupcount     bin,                 /* number of groups      */
      2  groups         (32) char (32) var;  /* the group names       */

   1  pix_struct,
      2  treename       char (128) var,
      2  u_flag         bit aligned,
      2  userid         char (32) var,
      2  p_flag         bit aligned,
      2  projid         char (32) var,
      2  c_flag         bit aligned,
      2  g_flag         bit aligned,
      2  groups         (32) char (32) var,
      2  v_flag         bit aligned,
      2  valbit         bin (31);

   pix_string  char(80) var static init ('tree; -u id; -p id; -c; -g 32 * id; -v oct; end'),
   pix_index   bin,
   bad_index   bin,
   key         bin,
   code        bin,
   pid         bin,
   dir         char (128) var,
   fnm         char (32)  var,
   i           bin;

   at$hom      entry (bin),
   ioa$        entry options (variable),
   at$         entry (bin, char (*) var, bin),
   errpr$      entry (bin, bin, bin, bin, char (*), bin),
   spawn$      entry (bin, ptr, char (*) var, bin, bin, bin, bin),
   cl$pix      entry (bin, char (*) var, ptr, bin, char (*) var,
                     ptr, bin, bin, bin);

   status = -1;               /* assume the worst for now */

   call cl$pix (2, 'SPH', addr(pix_string), 128, args, addr(pix_struct),
      pix_index, bad_index, code);

   if (code ^= 0) then

   dir = reverse (after  (reverse (pix_struct.treename), '>'));
   fnm = reverse (before (reverse (pix_struct.treename), '>'));

   if (dir ^= '') then do;
      call at$ (0, dir, code);
      if (code ^= 0) then do;
         call ioa$ ('Can''t attach to %v. (SPH)%.', 99, dir);
         call at$hom (code);

   key = 0;

   spawn_struct.version =    1;
   spawn_struct.userid =    '';
   spawn_struct.projid =    '';
   spawn_struct.utype =      0;
   spawn_struct.level =      0;
   spawn_struct.validation = 0;
   spawn_struct.timeslice  = 0;
   spawn_struct.groupcount = 0;

   if (pix_struct.u_flag) then
      spawn_struct.userid = pix_struct.userid;

   if (pix_struct.p_flag) then
      spawn_struct.projid = pix_struct.projid;

   if (pix_struct.c_flag) then
      key = key + CPL_FLAG;

   if (pix_struct.g_flag) then
      do i = 1 to 32 while (pix_struct.groups (i) ^= '');
         spawn_struct.groupcount = i;
         spawn_struct.groups (i) = '.' || pix_struct.groups (i);
      key = INH_FLAG;

   if (pix_struct.v_flag) then
      spawn_struct.validation = pix_struct.valbit;

   call spawn$ (key, addr (spawn_struct), fnm, 6, 0, pid, code);
   call errpr$ (K$IRTN, code, 0, 0, 'SPH', 3);

   if (code = 0) then do;
      call ioa$ ('Phantom is user %d %$', 99, pid);
      call ioa$ ('on %a/%$', 99, substr(date(), 3, 2), 2);
      call ioa$ ('%a/%$', 99, substr(date(), 5, 2), 2);
      call ioa$ ('%a %$', 99, substr(date(), 1, 2), 2);
      call ioa$ ('at %a:%$', 99, substr(time(), 1, 2), 2);
      call ioa$ ('%a%.', 99, substr(time(), 3, 2), 2);
      status = 0;

   call at$hom (code);