.hd dgetl$ "get a line from a disk file" 01/05/83
integer function dgetl$ (line, length, fd)
integer length
character line (length)
file_descriptor_struct fd
Library:  vswtlb (standard Subsystem library)
'Dgetl$' is an internal Subsystem routine that performs the function of
'getlin' for disk files only.  The first argument specifies a string to
receive the line read;
the second argument is the length of the longest string that will
fit in the receiving buffer;
the third is a pointer to the appropriate file descriptor structure
in the Subsystem common area.
'Dgetl$' returns the number of characters placed in the receiving buffer
(excluding EOS) if the read was successful; EOF otherwise.
'Dgetl$' is not intended for general use; it is not protected from user
error, and may cause termination of the user's program if used incorrectly.
It should always be referenced through 'getlin'.
'Dgetl$' (which is written in PMA, incidentally) shortcalls an internal
routine that calls the Primos routine PRWF$$ to read a buffer full of
data from the disk file selected by the file descriptor.
This buffer is then unpacked into the user's receiving string.
During the unpack and copy operation, compressed blanks
(encoded as an RHT (relative horizontal tab) followed by a blank
count) are converted into the proper number of ordinary blanks.
The copy operation ends when a NEWLINE is encountered or when the
user's buffer is full.
Primos prwf$$
getlin (2), tgetl$ (6), putlin (2), dputl$ (6), tputl$ (6)