.hd ptoc "convert packed string to EOS-terminated string" 03/23/80 integer function ptoc (pstr, term, str, len) packed_char pstr (ARB) integer len character term, str (len) .sp Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) .fs 'Ptoc' is used to convert packed character strings (e.g., Fortran Hollerith literals) into the EOS-terminated unpacked form normally used by all Subsystem routines. The argument 'pstr' is the packed array to be converted. 'Term' is a "termination character"; if the termination character appears unescaped in the packed string, then the unpacking operation will be terminated. (For example, most uses of packed strings in .ul Software Tools included a period as a termination character, since in general there is no other way for a subprogram to tell where a Hollerith literal ends.) The argument 'str' is an array to receive the unpacked string; its maximum length is specified by the argument 'len'. .sp The function return is the length of the string in 'str' (as usual, excluding the EOS character). .sp A note on a rather common use of 'ptoc': Many Primos routines return packed character strings that do not have a termination character, but do have a maximum length. When using 'ptoc' to convert the output of these routines, one may use EOS as the termination character to obtain a fixed-length result. .im 'Ptoc' uses the standard Subsystem macro 'fpchar' to pull successive characters from the packed array. These are simply copied into the receiving string until the string is full or an unescaped instance of the termination character is found. .am str .sa other conversion routines ('cto?*' and '?*toc'), particularly 'ctop' (2), 'vtoc' (2), and 'ctov' (2)