.hd rdsort "sort a relation" 02/22/82 rdsort { } .ds 'Rdsort' is part of the toy relational data base system, 'rdb'. It sorts the tuples in a relation on the domains specified in the argument list. Standard input 1 must be directed to a file containing an 'rdb' relation; the sorted relation is written on standard output. The input relation must be a file containing a relation that was created by 'rdmake' or other 'rdb' program; a relation cannot be read from the terminal. The output relation is displayed in a readable format if standard output is directed to a terminal (display in binary would be quite a mess); otherwise, the output relation is written in binary, internal format for processing by other 'rdb' programs. .sp The relation is sorted on the domains specified in the argument list. Integer and real domains are sorted in [cc]mc | numeric order; string domains are sorted in the ASCII [cc]mc collating sequence. If no arguments are specified, the relation is sorted on all domains in the order they appear in the relation. .es p.rel> rdsort color >np.rel sp.rel> rdproj sno | rdsort | rduniq | rdprint .me "Can't access input relation" .br "Sorry, a relation can't be read from the terminal" .br "Relation is corrupted!!" .br "Too many sort keys" .br ": field not defined" .bu If standard output is directed to "/dev/lps", the relation is written in binary. .sa rdcat (1), rdextr (1), rdjoin (1), rdmake (1), rdprint (1), rdproj (1), rdsel (1), rdsort (1), rduniq (1)