!Monday, 01/19/81 16:34:12 *Dan $swt_com #Added terminal attributes array to Subsystem common. !Monday, 01/19/81 16:39:16 *Dan $swt_def #Added definitions for terminal attribute positions. !Monday, 01/19/81 18:42:47 *Dan $define #Resurrected 'define' from Allen's archive. !Monday, 01/19/81 19:03:04 *Dan $chkstr, first$ #Installed. !Monday, 01/19/81 19:03:29 *Dan $gtattr, gttype, ttyp$f, ttyp$l, ttyp$q, ttyp$r, ttyp$r #Installed. !Monday, 01/19/81 19:05:35 *Dan $icomn$, ioinit #Modified to not initialize password and initialize newline and #eof characters. !Monday, 01/19/81 19:05:59 *Dan $tgetl$ #Modified to pay attention to user-settable eof and newline #characters. !Monday, 01/19/81 23:30:07 *Dan $swt #Added capabilities to set default eof and newline characters and #prompt for terminal type. The terminal type and password are now #picked up from the common block if they are still there. !Tuesday, 01/20/81 12:27:14 *Dan $mntoc #'Mntoc' returned an EOS, regardless of the default character set- #ting, if "buf (p)" contained an EOS. This bug was caused by a #'repeat' loop that grabbed the first character in the string, #regardless of its contents. !Tuesday, 01/20/81 13:34:29 *Dan $swt_com, tgetl$, tputl$, ioinit #Changed all references to the variable 'Lcase' in the common #block to references to "Term_attr (TA_UPPER_ONLY)". Note that #'Lcase' was a logical variable and "Term_attr (TA_UPPER_ONLY)" is #an integer (YES/NO) variable. !Tuesday, 01/20/81 14:46:14 *Dan $se #Modified 'se' to obtain the terminal type from 'gttype' if it is #not specified as an argument. !Tuesday, 01/20/81 14:47:10 *Dan $e #Modified 'e' to use "term_type -se" to determine the suitability #of executing 'se'. !Wednesday, 01/28/81 12:58:07 *Allen $rfl #Modified order of arguments passed to 'fc'. Problem occurred #when command line "rfl prog / / -l" was used to obtain a Fortran #listing; 'fc' interpreted "-l prog.f" as specifying a listing #file, causing a "missing input file name" error. Source file #name is now passed first, before any extra arguments. !Thursday, 01/29/81 13:46:36 *Dan $se #Changed calls to 't1in' to calls to 'c1in' because Primos only #places processes on the high priority queue that have requested a #character from 'c1in'!! !Friday, 01/30/81 10:30:53 *Allen $col #Increased MAXLINE to 300 to allow correct processing of boldfaced #input text with more than MAXLINE characters per line. !Saturday, 01/31/81 19:02:50 *Perry $hd #Added -n and -u options to control "normalization" of number of #available records or storage module partitions. Normalization is #performed if -n is specified or if no option is specified. If -u #is given, the actual number of available physical records on the #partition is printed. The modification is coded to allow easy #selection of "-u" as default in the future. # #Modified the output format to print blanks instead of "??:" when #the logical disk number is unknown. !Sunday, 02/01/81 15:48:55 *Perry $tlit #Modified to use line i/o instead of character i/o, achieving a #60% reduction in run time (using the Subsystem Tutorial as input, #mapping lower to upper case). # #Added the capability to specify strings to transliterate on the #command line, for compatibility with 'take', 'drop', 'substr', #etc. If no string arguments are given, text is read from STDIN, #as before. !Monday, 02/02/81 10:48:09 *Allen $spell #Added 'spell', a new spelling check program that is faster than #'speling' and supports a nifty new output format. !Monday, 02/02/81 10:49:33 *Allen $des #Added 'des' (an implementation of the National Bureau of Stan- #dards Data Encryption Standard) to lbin. Probably should go in #bin eventually, but it needs some improvement yet. !Monday, 02/02/81 16:41:41 *Perry $ld #Changed the "name following -e must be 2 characters long" message #to read "name following -g must be 2 characters long", since it #is generated when the "-g" option is improperly used. !Thursday, 02/05/81 11:10:31 *Allen $spell #Fixed bug that caused a pointer fault when the document being #checked contained a word that appears after the last word in the #dictionary alphabetically. !Thursday, 02/05/81 15:11:56 *Dan $rp #Modified syntax of "string_table" to allow multiple slashes, #indicating duplicate entries in the marginal index. !Thursday, 02/12/81 14:17:38 *Perry $sh #Fixed 'file_type' in sh_exec.r to return the value UNKNOWN_FTYPE #for a UFD. This makes directories invisible to the search rule #mechanism so that, for example, the 'mail' and 'news' commands #may be executed normally while attached to =extra=. !Thursday, 02/12/81 14:58:17 *Perry $xref #Fixed the code that processes 'include's so that the level number #displayed for the line containing the 'include' is that of the #including file rather than that of the included file. !Friday, 02/13/81 14:20:21 *Perry $diff #Added a "-b" option to perform a word-for-word binary comparison #of the input files. !Friday, 02/13/81 16:20:47 *Perry $print #Added -i, -j and -l options to allow independent specification of #indentation, formfeed generation and page length, respectively. #The -p option is equivalent to "-j -i5". 'Parscl' is now used to #allow order independence of control options. !Friday, 02/13/81 16:48:24 *Perry $who #Modified to append an "r" to the process id of users connected to #a remote system and to supply a default name of "Remote Login #Server" for the "<link>" userid if it isn't in the =userlist= #file. !Friday, 02/13/81 17:25:56 *Perry $mail #Changed to use 'date' to get the login name of the sender instead #of the =user= template. This causes the senders name to appear #in upper case in the postmark (the desired effect), and prevents #someone from defining a private =user= template and sending mail #from someone else (an unexpected bonus). !Friday, 02/13/81 17:30:57 *Perry $to #Changed the format of the header line to put the time of day #before the day of week. !Friday, 02/13/81 18:08:51 *Perry $dprint #Added -c option to allow specification of multiple copies. #Changed argument parsing code to use parscl. This necessitated #changing the syntax for setting the form length from -<length> to #-l <length>. File arguments are now parsed by 'gfnarg'. !Saturday, 02/14/81 14:47:58 *Dan $sh #Added subclasses to internal commands: there is now a single #letter subclass associated with each internal command. If the #flag in the search rule for internal commands is "^int", the #shell behaves as always. If the flag is in the form "^int/<class #letters>", internal commands with class letters in the string #<class letters> *will not* be found when searching the commands. # #Modified behavior of 'svmake' (and hence 'declare'): 'svmake' #will no longer change the value of a variable when it is called #if the variable is declared at the current level. 'Declare' will #also no longer modify a variable when it is re-declared. !Saturday, 02/14/81 15:38:32 *Dan $date #Added keys SYS_MINUTES, SYS_SECONDS, and SYS_MSEC to return long #integers containing <units> past midnight. !Saturday, 02/14/81 17:06:28 *Allen $vedtlb, ed #Fixed bug that caused destruction of portions of buffer when a #file of zero length was read at the beginning of an editing ses- #sion. !Friday, 03/06/81 16:44:23 *Perry $strcmp #Made minor changes to the code to improve readability and speed. #Corrected a typographical error in the header comment. !Friday, 03/06/81 17:07:42 *Perry $vfyusr #Modified the code to improve readability and speed. !Tuesday, 03/10/81 17:17:42 *Dan $pr #Added declaration of search rule, so that 'pr' doesn't grab files #from the current directory. (I thought this was fixed some time #ago?!!) !Tuesday, 03/10/81 17:21:41 *Dan $bye, sp #Added declaration of search rule. !Thursday, 03/12/81 21:25:15 *Dan $rp #Added definition of MAXLINE=128 to definitions. Reduced run time #by 2% because the output buffer has a first dimension of MAXLINE. !Friday, 03/13/81 14:44:47 *Allen $moot #Installed Roy's modified version of 'moot' with the following #changes: (1) bug that caused illegal user names to be accepted #at login has been fixed; (2) 'index' command has been added to #allow examination of subject headings of entries in a conference; #(3) bug that set the "last reviewed" conference entry to an #incorrect value has been fixed. !Tuesday, 03/17/81 11:41:53 *Allen $stacc #(1) sped up operation by eliminating use of temporary files for #actions. (2) added ".epsilon" declaration and "epsilon" symbol #to match the null token, which turned out to be useful in some #places to avoid code duplication. (3) added "quick select" #right-hand-side, allowing fast selection of alternatives based on #a single leading terminal symbol. Quick select is enabled by #placing a dollar sign ($) at the beginning of a right-hand-side. #Note the restrictions on this feature: the first element of each #alternative must be a single terminal symbol, optionally followed #by a period to terminate the lookahead scan; there may be no #actions between the dollar sign and the first alternative; there #may be no error actions specified for the terminal used to #control alternative selection. !Tuesday, 03/17/81 11:42:36 *allen $stacc #Removed generation of SSPL code. !Wednesday, 03/18/81 15:17:30 *Allen $translang #Inserted definition of 'nor' operator in lexical analyzer, from #which it was inadvertantly omitted. !Wednesday, 03/18/81 16:27:42 *Perry $pg #Changed the format of the prompt string. Also modified the #effect of the ctrl\c response to cause an immediate return to the #shell. !Friday, 03/20/81 22:09:15 *Perry $rp, rp_def.i #Changed the definition for MAXSTABLE from 500 to 600. !Tuesday, 03/24/81 13:47:50 *Allen $getto, mktr$ #Changed assumed MFD password from 'xxxxxx' to 'XXXXXX' to avoid #problem with lack of case mapping in Rev 17.6 'ta$' (reported by #Heidelberg College). In the process discovered bug in 'tlit' #that caused the shared library to be built incorrectly...watch #out for future complaints concerning 'zmem$'! !Tuesday, 03/24/81 14:56:18 *Allen $tlit #Re-wrote inner transliteration loop to eliminate difficulties #surrounding the collapse operation. Previously, "tlit a-z A-Z" #failed by deleting all instances of "z" in the input stream, due #to an erroneous collapse condition. 'Tlit' now appears to work #on all the common usage cases I can think of... !Thursday, 03/26/81 12:28:30 *Perry $ar #Increased the number of files that can be handled on one invoca- #tion to 256. Replaced calls to 'getarg' with calls to 'gfnarg' #to allow use of <file_spec>s. Speeded up 'acopy' which was copy- #ing one word at a time; now it copies in 2048 word chunks. !Friday, 03/27/81 11:16:42 *Perry $=incl=/swt_def.r.i (standard defines) #Added the following definitions: # # SET_OF_SPECIAL_CHAR A comma_separated list of charac- #ter constants for all of the non-alphanumeric ASCII graphics, #including BLANK. # # SET_OF_GRAPHICS A comma-separated list of charac- #ter constants for all 96 of the ASCII graphics. !Monday, 03/30/81 14:43:20 *Perry $ar #'Acopy' was passing long integers to 'readf' and 'writef' where #short integers were expected. This caused 'ar' to think the #archive was improperly formatted during update, delete and #extract operations. !Monday, 03/30/81 14:49:35 *Perry $se #Added horizontal scrolling to 'getcmd'; added the "lm" option to #set the first column to be displayed; modified the effect of #entering NEWLINE following ESC to cause subsequent text to be #displayed on a separate line; modified the "v" command to allow #operation on an empty buffer; made trivial modifications to the #message line allocation algorithm. !Tuesday, 03/31/81 17:55:34 *Perry $initswt #Added code to check for template buffer overflow and print an #appropriate error message if that occurs. Modified the mechanism #for initializing dynamic templates to facilitate the addition of #new ones. !Tuesday, 03/31/81 18:04:21 *Perry $ldtmp$.r #Modified to check for user template buffer overflow. !Wednesday, 04/01/81 17:08:10 *Perry $se #The left margin (viz. "lm" option) is always at column 1 for the #command line; when in append or overlay mode, the current "lm" #value is used. When 'se' is invoked with an unreadable file, the #remembered file name is set to the name of the unreadable file. !Wednesday, 04/01/81 17:18:51 *Perry $se #Fixed a bug in 'send' that caused the cursor position variables #to be incorrectly set for the NETRON terminal after putting a #character in the rightmost column on the screen. !Thursday, 04/02/81 18:30:47 *Dan $rp #Added "-g" option to remove GOTOs to GOTOs in generated control #structures. Made performance improvement modifications. #Obtained about 10% performance improvement. !Sunday, 04/05/81 11:43:49 *Dan $enter #Changed 'enter' into a function that returns a dynamic storage #pointer to the text of the symbol as the function value. !Wednesday, 04/08/81 14:00:08 *Dan $dtoc #Changed test of "v * 10.0 <= d (i)" to "v <= d (i) / 10.0" to #prevent floating overflow when 'v' is very large !Wednesday, 04/08/81 18:00:13 *Perry $se #Added the 's' option and corresponding subroutine 'dosopt' to #module 6. This option allows simultaneous setting of groups of #options related to a particular source language. Currently sup- #ported languages are PMA, FTN and F77. Omitting a language #identifier after the "os" causes default settings to be used. !Wednesday, 04/08/81 18:02:30 *Perry $=fmac=/ugm #Modified the "bp" request in the .PD (publication date) macro to #set the page number to 1. !Thursday, 04/09/81 22:16:22 *Dan $rp #Corrected slight bug that prevented commas from appearing inside #quoted strings in actual parameters of macros. !Thursday, 04/09/81 22:16:53 *Dan $link #Replaced 'define' processor with corrected version of the 'rp' #define processor. !Monday, 04/13/81 18:53:43 *Dan $rp #Fixed a bug in 'select' code generation by converting the result #of a subtraction/comparison to a long integer. The bug resulted #in disaster if two adjacent alternatives were more than 32767 #apart. !Tuesday, 04/14/81 16:37:05 *Dan $rp #Added error checking code to diagnose the use of long integer #constants in 'select' alternatives. Repaired 'rp' so that it #always diagnoses duplicate constants in 'select' statements, #rather than letting some slip by. !Wednesday, 04/15/81 10:10:05 *Perry $rp (rp.stacc, rp_out.r) #Added a call to 'outdon' following the call to 'outgolab' in the #actions for goto_stmt. Modified 'outgolab' to prevent labels #with fewer than 5 digits from being entered into the goto table. #These modifications were to prevent rp from placing two FORTRAN #statements on a single line whenever a Ratfor 'goto' statement #was seen. !Wednesday, 04/15/81 16:21:22 *Dan $parscl #Added code to make 'parscl' print an error message and die if #presented with an illegal argument type in the syntax string. !Tuesday, 04/21/81 09:53:25 *Perry $=template= #Added the template "gatech" in all lower case to allow the #current shared libraries to run properly with the new version of #'initswt' which does no case mapping of template names or values #as did the old version. # #Added the templates "newcmdnc0" and "newsystem" for use by the #'install' procedures for programs that reside in CMDNC0 and #SYSTEM. This is to facilitate the installation of new versions #of these programs outside the context of a complete rebuild. !Tuesday, 04/21/81 09:55:31 *Perry $gtemp #Removed case mapping. !Tuesday, 04/21/81 10:26:17 *Perry $=src=/misc/buildall #Added tests to insure that =newcmdnc0= and =newsystem= have been #defined differently from =cmdnc0= and =system=. !Tuesday, 04/21/81 10:42:48 *Perry $ld #Modified to get the locations of SWT$CM and SWT$TP from the tem- #plates =cm_loc= and =tp_loc=, respectively. If the templates are #undefined, default values are used. !Tuesday, 04/21/81 13:55:39 *Perry $rp #Fixed a bug in 'outgo' which caused a reference to the 0th #elements of the Xgo_from and Xgo_to arrays. !Friday, 04/24/81 22:28:49 *Dan $mail #Installed version of 'mail' that checks for valid addressees #before accepting the letter. !Monday, 04/27/81 09:27:30 *Perry $patlib vpatlb echo tlit fmt ptoc mktr$ mkpa$ upkfn$ tputl$ cn rf #Modified all programs that used the ESCCHAR define to use the #ESCAPE define. Removed the definition for ESCCHAR from #=incl=/swt_def.r.i. Added the definition for ESCAPE to #=incl=/swt_def.r.i and removed it from all other files in which #it was known to be defined. !Tuesday, 04/28/81 17:11:13 *Perry $=extra=/ttypes, vth #Changed the terminal type ADM to ADM3A to correspond with 'se'. !Thursday, 04/30/81 18:38:39 *Dan $rp #Fixed bug that caused an "expr stack underflow" when an 'if', #'while', or 'until' appeared with an un-parenthesized expression. !Friday, 05/01/81 17:43:10 *Perry $se, vth, nvth, =ttypes= #Added the terminal type ADM31. Changed the 'adm' terminal #description file in =nvth= to 'adm3a'. Removed the 'adds' and #'adm' terminal type mnemonics from 'se'. !Monday, 05/04/81 04:41:41 *Gene $fsize #Changed the format for printing when the "-v" option is selected. #The output may now be sorted on the size field (width of 6 digits #.... maybe should be expanded to 7 or 8). File names all start #in the same column now -- 10. # #No change in the documentation is necessary. # #This change has been transported to the A and B systems. !Monday, 05/04/81 18:22:07 *Perry $os #Fixed to handle the meta-characters generated by 'fmt' in a more #reasonable manner. !Thursday, 05/07/81 14:35:54 *Perry $kwic #Fixed a bug that caused garbage to be produced when lines longer #than MAXLINE were input. !Friday, 05/08/81 13:41:50 *Dan $retract #Added Peter Wan's modifications to implement the "-q" option to #suppress the notification that an article has been retracted. #Also added a call to 'flush$' to prevent the index from being #ruined by an interrupt. !Friday, 05/08/81 13:43:10 *Dan $publish #Added a call to 'flush$' on the index file so that an interrupt #will not catch the index entry half-written. !Wednesday, 05/13/81 16:14:33 *Perry $stacc #Added 'C' to the list of languages that may be generated. !Sunday, 05/17/81 18:19:50 *Dan $gfnarg #Made 'gfnarg' determine when to supply '/dev/stdout' as the #default by counting arguments, rather than input files. The #behavior of '-n' with an empty input stream is now to return #nothing, rather than '/dev/stdout'. !Tuesday, 05/19/81 10:01:13 *Perry $pc #The documentation for the 'x' option stated that levels 0..2 were #available, when in fact the highest available level is 1. !Tuesday, 05/19/81 14:32:57 *Dan $vswtlb,nvswtlb #Changed build procedure to include the PL/I storage allocation #routines in the unshared portions of the library. Since the Sub- #system does not reinitialize the stack, shared library link #frames are not reinitialized. If the allocation routines are #shared, consecutive programs could possibly use up all the #storage. !Tuesday, 05/19/81 16:47:47 *Gene $Last #Added source, documentation and so on for the "last" programs. #The program will also be installed on the "a" and "b" systems. !Tuesday, 05/26/81 10:16:56 *Dan $init$f, init$p, init$plg #Added calls to 'flush$' for STDIN and STDOUT so that the Sub- #system buffers will be flushed before changing to the native i/o #routines. !Monday, 06/01/81 10:29:51 *Perry $pg #Fixed a bug that could cause a pointer fault when 'pg'ing a file #whose name contained an asterisk. !Tuesday, 06/02/81 15:46:22 *Perry $fmt #Fixed a bug in the 'cu' inline function that caused non-printing #characters to get underlined. !Wednesday, 06/10/81 15:52:33 *Perry $print #Added the "-m" option to allow setting the number of lines used #for the top and bottom margins. Added tab interpretation with #tab stops set at every 8 columns. !Friday, 06/12/81 11:16:27 *Perry $fixp #Modified not to discard the right byte of a word in the input #file whose left byte contains a NEWLINE. !Wednesday, 06/17/81 20:14:08 *Perry $rtr6800 #Moved the source directory from =src=/lcl/lib into the attic. !Wednesday, 07/15/81 12:22:25 *Roy $declared_cmd #Declared used only one array to check for and store both the name #of the variable to be checked and its lexical level offset. The #getarg that attempted to get the offset clobbered the variable #name. Also, -1 was used to indicate that the level offset was #larger than the lexical level. Because the return value of #svfind is EOF (= -1) if the variable is not defined, all #variables were "defined" if the offset was too large. A new #array was added for the second argument, and too large an offset #is coded by ERR. !Wednesday, 07/15/81 17:56:09 *Jeff $sys$$ #Sys$$ was changed to fix a bug, such that when a phantom executed #several commands with x (such as fc, or ld) it would only execute #1 command and then return to the shell. It was changed to look #at the return status of the command, rather than returning direc- #tly with a garbage return value. !Wednesday, 07/15/81 17:57:59 *Jeff $nvthlb #It was installed on GT.B after bringing up the new version of #Primos. !Thursday, 07/16/81 15:03:27 *Jeff $ns #NS for revision 18 of primos was fixed. The results were #interpreted differently, based on the fact that GMETR$ no longer #returns a PL/I varying string for the name, but returns a packed #character string. !Thursday, 07/16/81 15:19:36 *Jeff $who #Who was fixed to use the change that occurred in GMETR$ for #primos 18. GMETR$ now returns a packed string, instead of a PL/I #varying string, and it also doesn't get the memory meters for the #user, except if the key GM_MEM is called, and then it gets the #meters for ALL users. Because of the change with the memory #meters, the local mod to GMETR$ (to avoid getting the memory #meters for individual users) wasn't needed, and this code was #removed from who, also. !Monday, 07/27/81 10:18:20 *Jeff Lee $vswtlb #Added entries in DYNTS to include the named semaphore routines. !Wednesday, 07/29/81 17:12:46 *Allen $col #Fixed some irrational behavior that occurs when input lines are #larger than the column width. There is still some non-intuitive #behavior under this circumstance, though; the gutter will be of #fixed size, but it will step in and out as the length of lines in #the first column varies. !Friday, 07/31/81 11:42:02 *Allen $col #Fixed problems involving long lines. Updated documentation. !Tuesday, 08/04/81 12:43:42 *Dan $rdcat, rdextr, rdjoin, rdmake, rdprint, rdproj, rdsel, rdsort, rduniq #Installed in =bin=, =src=/std.r, and =doc=/man/s1. !Wednesday, 08/05/81 10:52:14 *Allen $all #Preliminary documentation of changes from Version 7.1 to Version #8 covers all changes EXCEPT the addition of the relational #database routines (see previous entry). !Wednesday, 08/05/81 12:57:40 *Allen $ed, se, vedtlb #Changed the "ea" and "qa" commands to "e!" and "q!". It was #just too easy to completely zap a file by letting a little finger #slip and hit the "a". !Wednesday, 08/05/81 13:26:32 *Allen $ar #Fixed bug that caused "ar -p" to fail when standard output was #set to the terminal. !Friday, 08/07/81 18:28:54 *Dan $radix #Added to =bin=, =src=/std.r, =doc=/man/s1 !Wednesday, 08/12/81 23:15:23 *Dan $rp #Installed enhanced version: "-y" option to omit "call init" and #"call swt", "-x" to translate character codes in EOS-terminated #strings, equivalences put in correct order, internal procedure #code generation modified to avoid Rev 18 FTN warning messages. !Wednesday, 08/12/81 23:17:18 *Dan $f77c, fc, pc, plgc, plpc, pmac #Modified to add "-w" to turn on "-FRN" in f77c, fc, plgc. #Modified to accept Prime standard file suffixes (.FTN, .PASCAL, #.PL1G, .PMA). !Wednesday, 08/12/81 23:18:02 *Dan $cobc, cobcl #Added. !Wednesday, 08/12/81 23:19:51 *Dan $ddlc, fsubc, csubc, fdmlc, cdmlc, fdmlcl, cdmlcl #Added. !Friday, 08/14/81 17:15:06 *Jeff Lee $who #A new version of who was installed. !Monday, 08/17/81 11:40:06 *Jeff Lee $pmacl #Changed so that it used Basename and Cmp correctly. It was #including the '.' for the string it was to check, which is #incorrect. Also it tried to used compare with only 1 arguement, #which caused a bomb. !Monday, 08/17/81 14:38:16 *Dan $flush$, ldtmp$, ttyp$v, mkfd$, open #Added calls to 'break$' to prevent quits while accessing the com- #mon blocks. !Monday, 08/17/81 14:39:53 *Dan $cof$, iofl$, call$$, sh #Changed to record the state of both SWT and Primos file descrip- #tors in a local array. The FD_OPENED flag is no longer used. !Monday, 08/17/81 14:41:52 *Dan $gfnarg #Changed to count the number of file arguments (including "-n") #when deciding to output "/dev/stdin" for no arguments. Now #"-n<empty file>" does not cause "/dev/stdin" to be returned. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:03:20 *Dan $se #Changed "wa" (write anyway) to "w!" to be consistent with "e!", #etc. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:14:01 *Dan $icomn$, ioinit #Added code to initialize new common block fields: Kill_resp, #Prt_form, Prt_dest, Run_by_cp. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:16:07 *Dan $lopen$ #Now puts Prt_form & Prt_dest in spool$ call if none are specified #in /dev/lps. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:26:48 *Dan $mkfd$, open #Changed to call 'getfd$' to obtain a free file descriptor. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:27:59 *Dan $tgetl$, tcook$ #Split the old 'tgetl$' into 'tgetl$' and 'tcook$', so that anyone #(especially the default on-units) can request a cooked input line #without disturbing Term_buf. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:29:46 *Dan $sys$$ #Added code to set and reset Run_by_cp to indicate that a program #was initiated by a call to cp$. Swapped around code so that a #CLEANUP$ on-unit is always created. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:30:27 *Dan $rtn$$ #Changed code so that it calls 'exit' rather than 'pl1$nl' when #the Run_by_cp flag is YES. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:31:58 *Dan $getfd$ #Added. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:32:27 *Dan $dmpcm$ #Added. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:33:07 *Dan $dumpls, dumpsv #Consolidated into 'dump'. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:33:29 *Dan $dump #Added as internal command. !Monday, 08/17/81 15:58:49 *Dan $sh #Modified default on-units to call 'tcook$' to obtain input, #rather than disturb Term_buf by calling 'input'. !Monday, 08/17/81 17:09:42 *Terry $date.r, ed.r, se.r(log.r), ph.r, sort.r, to.r #Changed to use longer three digit/character pids. !Monday, 08/17/81 17:25:07 *Terry $ed.r, parsdt.r, log.r, print.r, to.r, ar.r #Changed calls to "date" to use SWT standard defines(SYS_DATE, #SYS_TIME, etc.). In the process, changed "magic numbers" to #defines. !Monday, 08/17/81 17:27:19 *Terry $sort.r, clock.r, ph.a, alarm.r, se.r(log.r) #Changed calls to "date" to use SWT standard defines(SYS_DATE, #SYS_TIME, etc.). In the process, changed "magic numbers" to be #defines. !Monday, 08/17/81 17:29:19 *Terry $watch.r, fmt.r(fmt_mac.r), ts.r, cal.r, moot.r(util.r) #Changed calls to "date" to use SWT standard defines(SYS_DATE, #SYS_TIME,etc.). In the process, changed "magic numbers" to be #defines. !Monday, 08/17/81 17:32:16 *Terry $memo.r, batch.r #Changed calls to "date" to SWT standard defines(SYS_TIME, #SYS_DATE, etc.). In the process, changed "magic numbers" to be #defines. !Monday, 08/17/81 20:44:24 *Terry $prot$.r #Changed name to 'sprot$' to avoid Primos conflict.. !Monday, 08/17/81 20:45:33 *Terry $del, rsa #Changed to call 'sprot$' instead of 'prot$'.. !Monday, 08/17/81 22:15:30 *Dan $sh #Made an incredibly ugly modification to force the shell to behave #rationally when QUIT$ is signalled while it is waiting for input. #The modification involves a heavy conspiracy between get_cl and #eval_fn in sh_ci.r and lsgetf and lsquitf in sh_ls.r. !Tuesday, 08/18/81 19:54:44 *Dan $ttyp$l #Modified to print two terminal types per line instead of 1, since #we have more than one screen full. !Wednesday, 08/19/81 16:05:47 *Jeff lee $clear #It was changed to use the new vth routines. It no longer takes #an argument. !Wednesday, 08/19/81 17:00:55 *jeff lee $ns #The ns source code was installed and the binary re-installed. !Wednesday, 08/19/81 21:55:39 *terry $template #just noting that it was fixed....but not me....I think Perry did #it. !Thursday, 08/20/81 15:51:33 *Dan $mkclist, bs, bs1, guess #Installed Win's latest versions. !Thursday, 08/20/81 16:53:51 *Jeff $sema #Sema was changed to accept named semaphores. Two new 'subcom- #mands' are now legit. 'Open' and 'close' now work. The command #'open' causes 'sema' to return a number that can be used as a #semaphore. The command 'close' causes 'sema' to close the given #numbered semaphore (assuming the semaphore has been opened ear- #lier). The old numbered semaphores are accessed in the usual #way. The stay 'open' always. !Friday, 08/21/81 13:22:56 *Jeff $vth #Vtstop was changed to put the cursor in the first column on the #first line. It looked better and was better suited for several #things. The libray was then installed. !Friday, 08/21/81 13:24:36 *Jeff $clear #'Clear' was installed as supported (when vth went supported) and #has been rewritten to use the new routines. The documentation #was changed also to reflect the changes in the routine and sup- #port. !Saturday, 08/22/81 21:58:27 *Jeff $mon #Mon was rewritten and installed. This time it works. !Saturday, 08/22/81 22:45:33 *jeff $vth_def.r.i and swt_def.r.i #'Vth_def.r.i' was installed in =incl= to include some of the #definitions for user settable parameters. The change to #swt_def.r.i was to include the macro 'VTH_DEFS' for including the #vth macros. !Monday, 08/24/81 10:39:32 *Jeff $mon #Installed executable in lbin on system b. DID NOT INSTALL #SOURCE. !Monday, 08/24/81 11:04:41 *Jeff $mon #After attempting to run 'mon' on the B system, I realized my #mistake that I made earlier about not installing source. It #didn't run without the newer VTH libraries. I therefore #reinstalled the source on B system and made a couple of #modifications to allow it to run on B system for the time being, #until such time as we install Rev 8 SWT on the other systems in #it's final form. !Monday, 08/24/81 11:07:50 *Jeff $ns #Made a change I missed earlier which printed bogus information in #the event a person was logged through a system. I changed the #varying string reference to a packed string reference. !Monday, 08/24/81 11:09:42 *Jeff $vthlib #I included a call (vtinfo) which returns information from the #common blocks. Currently, the only useful information there is #the terminals maximum number of rows and columns. !Monday, 08/24/81 17:42:29 *Jeff $clear #Clear was changed to put the cursor in the home position, instead #of the last position, like vtstop leaves it. !Wednesday, 08/26/81 23:05:30 *Terry $mon #fixed bug that caused the last processes' display to be trucated #if the total number of processes was not an even multiple of the #display factor of 3... used in the short and memory display . !Thursday, 08/27/81 07:13:32 *Jeff $fcl, rfl #Changed to use basename, and use it correctly. !Thursday, 08/27/81 07:18:48 *Jeff $cdmlcl, cobcl, f77cl, fdmlcl, pcl, plgcl, plpcl #All of these were changed to use basename correctly. !Thursday, 08/27/81 08:30:55 *Jeff $clear #Changed it to look reasonable. Calls vtterm and vt$clr now. !Thursday, 08/27/81 14:02:55 *Jeff $rtime #Rtime was fixed to not bomb when one typed 'rtime' with no #arguments. !Friday, 08/28/81 08:26:49 *Jeff $sema #Fixed sema to accept negative semaphore values. !Friday, 08/28/81 09:12:24 *Jeff $clear #Deleted the old one out of =lbin= and =src=/lcl/spc/clear.u !Friday, 08/28/81 09:28:28 *Jeff $mon #Fixed bug that showed internal processes as always having 2 in- #memory pages. !Friday, 08/28/81 12:59:26 *Terry $lcl/vth.u #deleted it because newer supported version is in =src=/spc !Friday, 08/28/81 13:04:21 *Peter $sol #fixed code so that breaks or cntl p's would still log the 'win- #nings' if playing a casino game !Saturday, 08/29/81 14:36:40 *Peter $sol #Jeff fixed sol so that it no longer calls vtclear; the routine #has been changed, and was giving pointer faults because of the #missing arguments that it was trying to access. !Friday, 09/04/81 18:19:17 *Terry $ttypes file #fixed typo ICS 8001 should have been ISC 8001 !Wednesday, 09/16/81 09:04:02 *Jeff $mon #Made a change in the short memory format to show percentages and #not show total time. !Saturday, 09/19/81 22:20:34 *Peter $bug.d mon.d nstat.d sol.d #Made the above documentation files conform with the capitaliza- #tion style of other entries in the same section of the Reference #Manual. !Thursday, 09/24/81 09:25:53 *Jeff $vthlib #Changed the library so that vtupd is now responsible for changing #the time in the status line, instead of vt$get. What happened #was that people were not able to display the time unless they #used the input routines, which was fine for the screen editor, #but vth needs a little more generality. Along with this, a call #to vtmsg now does NOT automatically update the screen, but the #user must call vtupd to update the screen. All occurances of #vtmsg in the vthlib were changed to reflect this (vt$def vt$err #vt$get vt$gsq vt$ndf, and of course vtmsg and vtupd). !Sunday, 09/27/81 19:31:03 *Terry $se #changed to handle clear to EOL for Netron correctly. also #consolidated extra code for ADM31 and TVI in clear_to_eol.r !Friday, 10/02/81 01:18:19 *Peter $documentation #The rather annoying occurance of "com- mand" in the BNF help #general entry has been once and for all removed. !Sunday, 10/04/81 20:01:03 *Peter $mkcl.r #Fixed an obscure typo which always caused the error message #"can't create clist file" to appear, regardless of whether the #"-s" argument appeared or not. !Thursday, 10/08/81 10:17:19 *Gene $memstat #Program "memstat" added to =lbin= on A, B, C, and D systems. #Source directory (with "build," "clean," and "install" shell #files) installed on system C in =src=/lcl/spc. Documentation #written and installed in =doc=/man/s3/memstat.d; documentation #rebuilt and installed on all systems. !Sunday, 10/11/81 23:13:02 *Terry $rtn$$ #Changed to check CLDATA.FLAGS.DBG_MODE flag. This fixed the #problem with executing a 'ren' from 'x'. !Wednesday, 10/14/81 19:36:36 *Terry $mail #changed to use =mailfile= instead of =varsdir=/.mail for the #place to save mail files so that a user can use personal template #=mailfile= to save mail files. Doc changed appropriately. !Tuesday, 10/27/81 16:01:44 *Roy $c #Installed experimental version of C compiler on gt.a, b, c, and #d. The following files were affected: # =lib=/cplib C portable library installed. # =incl=/swt_def.c.i CPL definitions installed. # =template= =cdefs= defined as =incl=/swt_def.c.i # =lbin=/c$main.b main procedure for C programs installed. # =lbin=/c1 pass one of C compiler installed. # =lbin=/c2 pass two of C compiler installed. # =lbin=/cc shell file to compile C programs installed. # =lbin=/ccl shell file to cc and ld a C program installed. # =ebin=/ld replaced by a version that has a C option (-b). # =doc=/man/s1/cc.d help for cc installed. # =doc=/man/s1/ccl.d help for ccl installed. # =doc=/man/s1/ld.d replaced with help for new ld. !Wednesday, 10/28/81 00:08:40 *Jeff $ld (ebin) #Fixed 'ld' to reflect the need of the shell (specifically rtn$$) #to know where the location 'cldata' is. Fixed it in the same #manner that swt$cm and swt$tp were done, ie -- if you declare a #template 'cl_loc' to be a certain memory location, the 'ld' com- #mand will take that in preference to the default. !Tuesday, 11/03/81 17:01:13 *Jeff $vthlib #Changed it to reflect a problem in the ordering of the routines. #Seems a couple of them were in the wrong order... !Tuesday, 11/03/81 17:18:45 *Jeff $vthlib #Changed the re-ordering again. Got it right this time... !Wednesday, 11/04/81 12:01:27 *Jeff $sh #Added an internal command "vpsd" to call seg with the file name #and invoke the virtual memory debugger. Installed it also, since #Terry and Peter were not around. !Monday, 11/23/81 00:38:43 *Peter Wan $=src=/spc/help.u/help.r #Fixed an obscure error which occurs when the '-f' option is cal- #led with special characters. Since there is a 'locate' routine #in help and one in the pattern library (which both did different #things, even had different number of arguments), trying to find a #pattern involved a recursive call to the local version of #'locate'. !Monday, 11/23/81 08:18:37 *Jeff $nstat #Changed "phantom" to reflect the change in the local network #routine "get_connect_info" in gtnetlb. An extra argument was #present and this caused a pointer fault because nstat had not #been changed to reflect this. !Tuesday, 12/15/81 19:42:53 *Peter Wan $=src=/std.r/pg.r, =doc=/man/s1/pg.d #Changed the screen size specification syntax from "-<number>" to #"-s <number>", so that a "-2" for a screen size doesn't get #interpreted as a directive to take input from standard input 2. #Also modified the argument syntax slightly, so that you can no #longer specify different screen sizes or different messages for #different sets of files (basically used 'parscl' instead of the #loop to process each argument separately). !Sunday, 01/10/82 00:10:42 *Peter Wan $=src=/std.r/tail.r #Tail has been fixed to conform with the argument syntax given in #the Reference Manual. According to the Manual, a single argument #which was the file name can be given, leaving out the number of #lines argument. However, what actually happened was that the #file name was passed to 'gctoi', and a zero was returned. This #caused 'tail' to read the default number of lines from standard #input, instead of reading it from the named file. # #A bug section was added for the 'tail' program entry in the #Reference Manual to explain the situations in which tail still #acts "funny". Later, those bugs will probably be removed or tail #will be superceded by 'last'. !Sunday, 01/10/82 00:36:21 *Peter Wan $=doc=/man/s1/help.d #The "-u" option was included in both the syntax and functional #description of this most wondrous program..... !Thursday, 01/21/82 00:50:18 *Terry $se #installed new version....main changes for new term types 'vi200' #and 'vc4404', Visual 200 and Volker-Craig 4404 respectively. !Friday, 01/22/82 02:15:09 *Peter Wan $=src=/std.r/template.r #The '-d' option has been eradicated from the source. It was not #referenced in some parts of the code, and seemed to be a distant #but intimate relation of the '-r' option. Neither the usage mes- #sage in the program nor the help entry admitted to the existence #of '-d' option, so no one will miss it. !Monday, 01/25/82 00:51:07 *Terry $=vth= #added new characteristic files for 'vi200' and 'vc4404'. !Friday, 02/05/82 22:09:11 *Terry $lf #installed Perry's new version that has a 'q' option for printing #the non-owner passwords of directories. Also updated doc. !Friday, 02/05/82 22:42:31 *Terry $mt #Installed Perry's 'fixed' version of 'mt'. it has new "-v" #option for verbose messages of how many blocks it read from or #wrote to the tape. !Friday, 02/05/82 23:03:36 *Terry $=src=/lcl/std.r/rmusr.r #Fixed a bug that would not allow me the remove a user whose login #name had an 'n' as the second letter. !Saturday, 02/06/82 05:17:14 *Terry $=src=/lcl/spc/p4c.u/build #Corrected the load sequence for the shared version of 'p4c' so #that it referenced the new locations for swt$cm and swt$tp. !Saturday, 02/06/82 05:20:16 *Terry $=src=/lcl/std.sh/p4cl.sh #Installed a new corrected version that Jeff had fixed on GT.A. #It uses 'basename' and calls 'p4c' instead of 'pc'. !Friday, 02/12/82 18:30:50 *Terry $=src=/lib/vth/?*, =vth=/?*, =doc=/man/s2/vt?* #installed new verison of VTH library with the wrap_around field #defined in the output specifiers. This addition was for #terminals that do not wrap_around when end of line is reached. #Terminals affected mainly NETRON and TVT. Cleaned up all the #=vth=/?* files, and corrected or updated the VTH doc. !Friday, 02/12/82 18:33:16 *Terry $=doc=/man/s2/dputl$ #Corrected bugs section, according to talk with Perry. Removed #the part that said more than 256 consecutive blanks would not be #handled properly. !Friday, 02/12/82 18:35:18 *Terry $=doc=/man/s3/bmerge.d #Added bug that Perry had told me about. Internal procedures in #PL/1, Pascal , or PL/P modules when specified by name are not #merged together correctly !Sunday, 02/14/82 02:22:31 *Terry $=doc=/man/s2/cof$.d, =doc=/man/s2/iofl$.d #Fixed doc to correspond to the code. !Sunday, 02/14/82 05:06:31 *Peter Wan $vt$alc.d, vt$db2.d, vt$db3.d, vt$dsw.d, vt$idf.d #Documentation for these low-level routines were added to the #Reference Manual. !Sunday, 02/14/82 05:07:52 *Peter Wan $vt$ndf.d, vt$out.d, vt$put.d, vt$rdf.d #Documentation for these low-level routines were added to the #Reference Manual. !Sunday, 02/14/82 05:48:16 *Peter Wan $=src=/std.r/retract.r #Two errors were found in one of the 'print' statements and #corrected; the file descriptor of the output file and the #argument giving the incorrect article number were missing from #the 'print' call. The program terminated when it was given a #non-numeric article number. !Thursday, 02/25/82 21:26:00 *Peter Wan $ed, se #The delete subroutine has been modified to make local copies of #its 'from' and 'to' arguments. !Thursday, 02/25/82 21:39:54 *Dan $se #Installed new version of 'se' that understands hardware line #insert/delete. # #New user-visible features: # 'h' option to inform 'se' of terminal speed (for computing # delays). # revised 'h' and 'om' commands (They work the way they used # to). # screen positioning on terminals with insert/delete is # somewhat different (especially with 'a' and 'c'). !Thursday, 02/25/82 22:07:05 *Dan $ed, se #Changed 's' command so that if the replacement is a single '%', #it will use the previous replacement string. !Friday, 02/26/82 12:03:35 *Terry $help #Taught 'help' to know about section 5 and 6 of the Reference #Manual. !Friday, 02/26/82 12:05:33 *Terry $Reference Manual #Rearranged sections for new sections 5 and 6 for low level com- #mands and low level subroutines, respectively. !Friday, 02/26/82 23:22:14 *Peter Wan $help #Help has now been modified to use the 'page' routine in the #library, instead of doing its own paging. The benefits of this #are manyfold, the most significant of which is that the user may #now back up while reading a long entry. As far as I can tell, no #other functionality of help has been hindered by making this #change. Instead of directly printing the line after the over- #strikes and margin characters are removed, the line is written to #a scratch file; after all lines for a particular piece of #documentation have been processed, the page routine is called on #that scratch file. # #Documentation will be modified to reflect the new functionality. !Sunday, 02/28/82 00:06:03 *Terry $swt_def.r.i, swt_def.s.i #Changed MAXPAT to be 256, to make it be more than twice the #length of MAXLINE. This is so that an entire line can be #matched. !Sunday, 02/28/82 19:14:27 *Peter and Terry $itoc0 and itoc8 #These routines have been removed from the source and documenta- #tion directories, since their functions have been taken over by #'encode' and 'gitoc'. !Sunday, 02/28/82 19:16:05 *Peter and Terry $old_ar.r and ts.r #All references to 'itoc0' were changed to 'encode', with the #proper argument values; the 'itoc0' routine has been removed from #the standard Subsystem library. !Monday, 03/01/82 20:47:21 *Terry $libr, librsub #tossed into the =attic= to rattle around. !Tuesday, 03/02/82 22:44:41 *Terry $rtime #installed fixed version. The old version had a lot of trouble #with redirection and argument passing. !Wednesday, 03/03/82 19:45:11 *Peter $help #Modified the prompt to suit the more discriminating tastes of the #user community. !Thursday, 03/04/82 20:36:40 *Dan $rp #Fixed bug that caused 'rp' to generate .OR. when it should have #generated .AND. in the guarding IF statements for the select #code that are generated under the "-v" option. !Thursday, 03/04/82 23:05:14 *Dan & Terry $ld,rtn$$,swt,initswt,temp_com.s.i,temp_com.r.i #Changed code to fill in and access pointer to Primos CLDATA #structure in the system-wide template common area. !Thursday, 03/04/82 23:06:04 *Dan & Terry $swt_com.r.i, swt_com.s.i #Added field to common block for terminal configuration word in #use when 'swt' is called. !Thursday, 03/04/82 23:07:19 *Dan & Terry $ioinit, sh, dmpcm$, call$$, term #Changed programs to maintain the Lword field in the common blocks #and reset the terminal's lword when any Subsystem program #terminates. !Thursday, 03/04/82 23:08:17 *Dan & Terry $sh #Added code to the on-units to restore the terminal configuration #word before asking "the question" and then reset it before acting #on "the answer". !Saturday, 03/06/82 19:08:16 *Terry $sh #FIxed problem that allowed phantoms to receive 'to' messages. #Now phantoms can NOT receive any 'to' messages at all !Monday, 03/08/82 01:41:30 *Terry $sh #After thinking on it some more, I changed the shell so that #phantoms can receive messages sent to their PID, but not receive #ones sent to their login name. Why anyone would send 'to' mes- #sages to a phantom is still to be answered. !Friday, 03/26/82 17:18:29 *Terry $=src=/lib/swt/hasher, =src=/lib/swt/pfh #Installed new versions of each. The new versions use 8 charac- #ters for routine names. 'Hasher' also has a second argument used #to vary the hashing search width. These changes also affect the #file 'hash_table.' !Friday, 03/26/82 17:19:59 *Terry $=src=/lib/swt/build_shared #Changed to use the new 'hasher', had to add a second argument for #the search width. !Saturday, 04/03/82 02:37:41 *Peter Wan $[~.]*.d #All Reference Manual entries have been examined, and the "See #Also" sections have been fixed such that the correct section #references are made. !Tuesday, 04/06/82 17:32:22 *Peter Wan $=doc=/man/s6/c$init.d #'C$init' is now documented. !Tuesday, 04/06/82 17:35:07 *Peter Wan $=doc=/build/guide, =doc=/print/guide, =doc=/print/guide_plus #These files have been modified to process the conversion guide #for version 8 of the Subsystem. !Friday, 04/24/82 12:31:05 *Terry $all #Version 8 released. Installed on all systems.