.CH "Input Data Stream Formats"
This section describes the formats of the three code generator input
Note that all three have the same basic format:
32 MODULE_OP                                 |
                             _               |
59    SEQ_OP                  |  Repeat for  | Repeat for each
...      Item of information _|  each item   |      module
39    NULL_OP                               _|

39 NULL_OP                                     Stream termination
Detailed examples of the code generator input can be found in the
"Extended Examples" section of this guide.
.MH "Stream 1 --- Entry Point Declarations"
The first intermediate form stream consists of one or more
[ul modules].
Each module consists of a MODULE_OP, a list of [ul entry point declarations]
separated by SEQ_OPs, and a NULL_OP terminating the list of entry point
The list of modules is terminated by a final NULL_OP.
Each entry point declaration is an object identification number
followed by a character string, expressed
as the length of the string followed by the ASCII character codes for
the characters in the string.
Each such string is assumed to be the name of a location defined in the
current input module, and is made available to the link editor for
resolving references made by other modules.
A template for stream 1 would look something like this:
32 MODULE_OP                                    |
                           _                    |
59    SEQ_OP                | Repeat for each   | Repeat for each
         Entry object id    |   entry point     |      module
...      Entry point name  _|                   |
39    NULL_OP                                  _|

39 NULL_OP                                        Terminate stream
.MH "Stream 2 --- Static Data Declarations/Definitions"
In C terminology, a data "definition" reserves storage space for an
object and possibly initializes that space, whereas a data "declaration"
simply indicates that the storage space for an object resides outside
the current module.
The second intermediate form input stream defines or declares
static data (objects that are not automatically allocated on the stack
when a procedure is entered).
The input stream consists of a series of [ul modules], terminated
by a NULL_OP.
Each module contains a sequence of [ul DEFINE_STAT_OP]s and
[ul DECLARE_STAT_OP]s, terminated by a NULL_OP.
A template for the static data stream would look something like this:
32 MODULE_OP                                         |
                                  _                  |
59    SEQ_OP                       |   Repeat for    | Repeat for
14/11    DEFINE/DECLARE_STAT_OP    | each defn/decl  | each module
...         with associated info  _|                 |
39    NULL_OP                                       _|

39 NULL_OP                                             Terminate stream
.MH "Stream 3 --- Procedure Definitions"
The third intermediate form input stream consists of one or more
[ul modules], terminated by a NULL_OP.
Each module contains a list of [ul PROC_DEFN_OP]s, separated by
SEQ_OPs and terminated with a NULL_OP.
Each PROC_DEFN_OP causes a procedure to be defined and code for it to
be generated.
A template for stream 3 would look something like this:
32 MODULE_OP                                         |
                                  _                  |
59    SEQ_OP                       |   Repeat for    | Repeat for
50       PROC_DEFN_OP              | each procedure  | each module
...         with associated info  _|                 |
39    NULL_OP                                       _|

39 NULL_OP                                             Terminate stream
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