.CH "Ratfor Language Reference" This section contains a summary of the Ratfor syntax and source program format. In addition to serving as a reference for Ratfor, it can also be used by someone who is familiar with Fortran and wants to quickly gain a reading knowledge of Ratfor. .MH "Differences Between Ratfor and Fortran" .SH "Source Program Format" .in +5 .rm -5 .lt +5 .ta 6 .tc \ .rc .ti -5 -\'Rp' is sensitive to letter case. Keywords must appear in lower case. Case is significant in identifiers. .sp .ti -5 -\'Rp' is blank sensitive in that words (sequences of letters, digits, dollar signs, and underscores) must be separated by special characters [ul or] blanks. .sp .ti -5 -\'Rp' is not sensitive to card columns. Statements may begin at any position on a line. .sp .ti -5 -\'Rp' allows multiple statements per line by separating the statements with semicolons. .sp .ti -5 -\A Ratfor statement may be labeled by placing the numeric label in front of the statement. The label must be separated from the statement by at least one space. .sp .ti -5 -\'Rp' will expect a continuation line if it encounters a line ending with a trailing comma, a condition with unbalanced parentheses, a missing statement following a control statement, or a line ending with a trailing underscore. .sp .ti -5 -\Any line may contain a comment. Comments begin with a sharp sign ("#") and continue until the end of the line. .sp .in -5 .rm +5 .SH "Identifiers" Ratfor identifiers consist of letters, digits, underscores, dollar signs, and may be up to 100 characters long. An identifier must begin with a letter. Underscores may be included for readability, but are completely ignored. An identifier may not be the same as a Fortran or Ratfor keyword. 'Rp' transforms all long Ratfor identifiers into unique Fortran identifiers. .SH "Integer Constants" 'Rp' allows integer constants of the form "<base>r<number>" where <base> is an integer between 2 and 16. The letters "a" - "f" are used for digits in bases greater than 10. .SH "String Constants" String constants in Ratfor consist of a string body and a string format indicator. The string body is a group of strings, bounded by quotes, and possibly separated by blanks. The string format indicator designates the data representation to be used for the characters in the string body. It has one of the following values: .sp .in +9 .ta 10 .ti -9 omitted\Fortran Hollerith string. A standard Fortran Hollerith constant is generated. Characters are left-justified, packed in words (two characters per word on the Prime), and unused positions on the right are filled with blanks. .sp .ti -9 c\Single character constant. A single character constant is generated. The character is right-justified and zero-filled on the left in a word. Only one character is allowed in the body of the constant. This is the preferred format for all single characters in the Software Tools Subsystem. .sp .ti -9 p\Packed (Hollerith) period-terminated string. The 'p' format indicator causes the generation of a Fortran Hollerith constant. All periods in the string body are preceded by an escape character ("@@"). .sp .ne 3 .ti -9 v\PL/I character varying string. Fortran declarations are generated to create a PL/I character varying string. "V" format string constants may only be used in executable statements. .sp .ti -9 s\EOS-terminated unpacked string. Fortran declarations are generated to construct an array in which each element contains one character of the string body, right-justified and zero-filled (each character is in the same format as is generated by the "c" format indicator). Following the characters is a word containing the value EOS. EOS-terminated strings are the preferred format for multi-character strings in the Subsystem. "S" format string constants may only be used in executable statements. .in -9 .SH "Logical and Relational Operators" Ratfor allows the use of graphic characters to represent logical and relational operators instead of the Fortran ".EQ." and such. These characters will be replaced by their Fortran equivalents during preprocessing. The following table shows the equivalent syntaxes: .sp 2 .in +10 .nf .ta 10 20 .ne 12 .ul Ratfor\Fortran\Function .sp >\.GT.\Greater than >=\.GE.\Greater or equal <\.LT.\Less than <=\.LE.\Less or equal ==\.EQ.\Equal to ~=\.NE.\Not equal to .sp ~\.NOT.\Logical negation &\.AND.\Logical conjunction |\.OR.\Logical disjunction .sp &&\(none)\Short-circuited conjunction ||\(none)\Short-circuited disjunction .fi .in -10 .sp 2 Note that the digraphs shown in the table must appear in the Ratfor program with no imbedded spaces. The short-circuited operators may appear only in the <condition> part of Ratfor control statements. .SH "Assignment Operators" Assignment operators provide a shorthand for the common Fortran idiom "<v> = <v> <op> <expr>". Assignment operators may appear anywhere a Fortran assignment statement may appear. The following assignment operators are available in Ratfor: .ne 12 .be .ta 10 26 .ti -3 .ul Operator\ Use\ Result +=\<v> += <e>\<v> = <v> + (<e>) -=\<v> -= <e>\<v> = <v> - (<e>) *=\<v> *= <e>\<v> = <v> * (<e>) /=\<v> /= <e>\<v> = <v> / (<e>) %=\<v> %= <e>\<v> = mod (<v>, <e>) &=\<v> &= <e>\<v> = and (<v>, <e>) |=\<v> |= <e>\<v> = or (<v>, <e>) ^=\<v> ^= <e>\<v> = xor (<v>, <e>) .ee .SH "Escape Statements" Escape statements can be used to output Fortran statements that will not be touched by the Ratfor preprocessor. The escape statement has three possible forms. In the first form listed below, the first non-blank character of the Fortran statement is output in column seven. In the second form, the first non-blank character of the Fortran statement is output in column seven, but column six contains a "$" to continue a previous Fortran statement to that stream. In the third form, the Fortran statement is output starting in column one, so that the user has full control of the placement of items on the line. The following is a summary of this description: .be 5 .ul Escape Statement Format Output Column .sp %<stream><Fortran statement> 7 %<stream>&<Fortran statement> 6 %<stream>%<Fortran statement> 1 .ee "Stream" can take on the following values: .be 3 1 declaration 2 data 3 code .ee If no stream value is given, it is assumed to be the code stream. [cc]mc | Escaped statements have to come between a [bf function] or [bf subroutine] statement and the corresponding [bf end] statement. [cc]mc .SH "Incompatibilities" Even with the great similarities between Fortran and Ratfor, an arbitrary Fortran program is [ul not] necessarily a correct Ratfor program. Several areas of incompatibilities exist: .in +5 .rm -5 .lt +5 .ta 6 .tc \ .sp .ti -5 -\Blanks are significant -- at least one space or special character must separate adjacent keywords and identifiers. .sp .ti -5 -\The Ratfor [bf do] statement does not contain a statement number following the "do". Its range always extends over the next statement. .sp .ti -5 -\Two word Fortran key phrases such as [bf double precision] must be presented as a single Ratfor identifier (e.g. "doubleprecision" or "double_precision"). .sp .ti -5 -\Fortran statement functions must be preceded by the Ratfor keyword [bf stmtfunc.] To assure that they will appear in the correct order in the Fortran, they should immediately precede the [bf end] statement of the program unit. .sp .ti -5 -\Hollerith literals (i.e. 5HABCDE) are not allowed anywhere in a Ratfor program. Instead, 'rp' expects all Hollerith literals to be enclosed in single or double quotes (i.e. "ABCDE" or 'ABCDE'). .sp .ti -5 -\'Rp' does not allow Fortran comments. Ratfor comments must be introduced by a sharp sign ("#"). .sp .ti -5 -\'Rp' does not accept the Fortran continuation convention. Continuation is implicit for any line ending with a comma, or any conditional statement containing unbalanced parentheses. Continuation between arbitrary words may be indicated by placing an underscore, preceded by at least one space, at the end of the line to be continued. .sp .ti -5 -\'Rp' does not ignore text beyond column 72. .sp .ti -5 -\Fortran and Ratfor keywords may not be used as identifiers in a Ratfor program. Their use will result in unreasonable behavior. .in -5 .rm +5 .MH "Ratfor Text Substitution Statements" .sh "define (<identifier> [(<formal params>)], <replacement text>)" .Sh "Define" When a [bf define] statement is encountered in a source program, <replacement text> is recorded as the replacement for <identifier>. If <identifier> is encountered later in the program, it will be replaced by <replacement text>. If <formal params> was present in the definition of <identifier>, and the subsequent occurrence of <identifier> is followed by a parenthesized, comma-separated list of strings, occurrences of the formal parameters in <replacement text> will be replaced by the corresponding strings in the actual parameter list. .pp <Identifier> must be an alphabetic Ratfor identifier, while <replacement text> may contain any characters except unmatched quotes or parentheses. <Formal params> must be a comma-separated list of identifiers; corresponding actual parameters may contain any characters except unmatched quotes, unbalanced parentheses, or unnested commas. During replacement, <replacement text> is also examined for occurrences of [bf defined] identifiers. Formal parameter replacement occurs on identifiers in <replacement text>, even if the identifiers are surrounded by quotes or parentheses. Redefinition of an <identifier> causes the new <replacement text> to replace the old. .sh "undefine (<identifier>)" .Sh "Undefine" The [bf undefine] statement removes the definition of <identifier> from the list of defined identifiers. Subsequent occurrences of <identifier> in the program will not be replaced unless <identifier> appears in a subsequent [bf define] statement. .sh "include '<path name>'" .Sh "Include" An [bf include] statement instructs 'rp' to begin taking input from the file specified by <path name>. When the end of the file is reached, 'rp' resumes taking input from the file containing the [bf include] statement. The path name may be surrounded by either single or double quotes. The file specified by <path name> may contain further [bf include] statements, up to a maximum depth of 5. .MH "Ratfor Declarations" .sh "linkage <identifier> { , <identifier> }" .Sh "Linkage" The [bf linkage] declaration is used to guarantee that long external names are transformed into the same unique Fortran name. Names are transformed as they are presented in the [bf linkage] declaration. The same [bf linkage] statement should appear as the first statement of each separately compiled source module, and should contain the names of all subroutines, functions, and common blocks in the program. .sh "local <identifier> { , <identifier> }" .Sh "Local" The [bf local] declaration allows the declaration of variables with names local to the scope of a compound statement (block). The [bf local] declaration should appear inside a compound statement and must precede all occurrences of the identifiers to be declared local to the block. All identifiers appearing in a [bf local] declaration must subsequently appear in a type declaration in the same compound statement. .sh "string <name> <quoted string>" .Sh "String" The [bf string] statement generates declarations to produce an EOS-terminated string in the integer array <name>. <Quoted string> must be surrounded by either single or double quotes. .sh "stringtable <index>, <body>, [ / ] <item> { / <item }" .Sh "Stringtable" The [bf stringtable] declaration creates a marginally indexed array of integers and character strings. <Index> and <body> are variables to be declared as the index and body arrays respectively. <Body> is a one-dimensional array in which the values generated by the <item>s are stored consecutively. The first element of <index> contains the number of remaining elements in <index>; subsequent elements each contain the index in <body> of the first position of the corresponding <item>. .sp <Item>s are comma-separated lists of integers, single-character constants, and strings (with no string format indicators). Integers and EOS-terminated strings are generated and stored consecutively in <body>. The first position of each <item> in <body> is stored in the corresponding entry of <index>. .MH "Ratfor Control Statements" .sp .sh "break [<integer>]" .Sh Break The [bf break] statement allows the user to terminate the execution of a for, while, or repeat loop and resume control at the first statement following the loop. The <integer> specifies the number of loops to terminate; if absent, 1 is assumed (only the innermost loop is terminated). If the integer is N, then the N innermost loops currently active are terminated. .sh "do <limits>; <statement>" .Sh Do The [bf do] statement provides a means of accessing the local Fortran do-statement. <Limits> includes whatever parameters are necessary to satisfy Fortran, minus the statement number of the last statement to be performed, which is generated by Ratfor. The semicolon must not be used if the statement to be iterated does not appear on the same line as the [bf do.] .sh "for '(' <init>; <condition>; <reinit> ')' <statement>" .Sh For The [bf for] statement is a very general looping construct. <init> is a statement to be executed before loop entry; it is frequently used to initialize a counter. <Condition> is a condition to be satisfied for every iteration; the condition is tested at the top of the loop. <Condition> becoming false is the most often used method of terminating the loop. <Reinit> is a statement to be executed at the bottom of the loop, just before a jump is made to the top to test the <condition>. <Reinit> is usually used to increment or decrement a counter. <Statement> may be any legal Ratfor statement. .sh "if '(' <condition> ')' <statement> [else <statement>]" .Sh If [bf If] is a generalization of the Fortran logical-if statement. If the condition is true, the first <statement> is executed. If the optional [bf else] clause is missing, control is then passed to the statement following the [bf if;] otherwise, the <statement> following the [bf else] is executed before passing control. .sh "next [<integer>]" .Sh Next The [bf next] statement complements the [bf break] statement. It is used to force the next iteration of a for, repeat or while loop to occur. The parameter <integer> specifies the number of levels of nested loops to jump out; if omitted, the innermost loop is continued; otherwise, for <integer> = 2, the next-to-innermost loop is continued, etc. .ti [in] .sp 2 .ne 6 .bf 10 procedure <procid> [ '(' <id> {, <id> } ')' ] [recursive <integer>] ( forward | <compound statement> ) [call] <procid> [ '(' <expr> {, <expr> } ')' ] .bf 0 .Sh "Procedure" .pp The [bf procedure] declaration allows the declaration of internal Ratfor procedures. <Procid> is the name of the internal procedure. Formal parameters (scalar, pass-by-value) are declared following the <procid>. Formal parameters must appear in a type declaration in the body of the procedure. If the procedure is to be called recursively, the [bf recursive <integer>] clause must be included; <integer> is the maximum number of recursive calls in process at any given time. Following the heading, either a compound statement or the word [bf forward] must appear. If the [bf forward] option is used, a [bf procedure] declaration containing <compound statement> must follow at some point in the program unit. Formal parameters specified on the second declaration may be present, but are ignored. .pp A <procid> must be defined before it is referenced by a call. The call can appear exactly as a Fortran call, or the word [bf call] can be omitted. Actual parameters must correspond in number to formal parameters. If the formal parameters list is omitted in the declaration, no actual parameter list may be present. .sh "repeat <statement> [until '(' <condition> ')']" .Sh Repeat The [bf repeat] statement is used to generate a loop with the iteration test at the bottom. The <statement> is performed, then the <condition> checked; if false, the <statement> is repeated. If true, control passes to the statement following the [bf until.] If the [bf until] is omitted, the loop is repeated indefinitely, and must be terminated with a [bf stop, break,] or [bf goto.] .sh "return ['(' <expression> ')']" .Sh Return The [bf return] statement behaves exactly like its Fortran counterpart, except that if the optional parenthesized expression is included inside a function subprogram, the value of <expression> will be assigned to the function name as the function value before the return is executed. .ti [in] .sp 2 .ne 8 .bf 10 select {when '(' <condition> {, <condition>} ')' <statement> } [ifany <statement>] [else <statement>] select '(' <integer expr> ')' {when '(' <integer expr> {, <integer expr>} ')' <statement> [ifany <statement>] [else <statement>] .bf 0 .Sh "Select" .pp [bf Select] is a generalization of the [bf if] statement. In its first alternative, the [bf when] <conditions>s are evaluated in order; the <statement> associated with the first one found to be true is executed. If any <condition> is found true, the <statement> associated with [bf ifany] is executed; if none are found true, the <statement> associated with [bf else] is executed. .pp Similarly, in the second alternative, the <integer expr> associated with [bf select] is evaluated. The result is then compared to the <integer expr>s associated with the [bf when] parts in an unspecified order. When an equal comparison is made, the <statement> following the corresponding [bf when] is executed. If an equal comparison is made, the <statement> following [bf ifany] is executed; if no equal comparison is made, the <statement> following [bf else] is executed. .sh "while '(' <condition> ')' <statement>" .Sh While The [bf while] statement is the basic test-at-the-top loop. The <condition> is evaluated; if true, the <statement> is executed and the loop is repeated, otherwise control passes to the statement following the loop. .sp