.CH "Technical Information"
.MH "Implementation"
The C compiler accepts C source code as input and in two "passes"
produces 64V-mode relocatable object code as output.
The first compilation pass is implemented by a Ratfor program known
as the "front end,"
and the second pass by a Ratfor program known as the "back end."
The front end is the Subsystem program 'c1' and the back end is 'vcg'.
.be 20
.in -10

         ________    _________    ___________
         |      |    |       |    |         |
         |      |    |       |    |         |--->[bs]- Entry Points
   C --->[bs]-|  LA  |--->[bs]-|  CMP  |--->[bs]-|  PARSE  |--->[bs]- Static Data
Program  |      |    |       |    |         |--->[bs]- Function Bodies
         |______|    |_______|    |_________|
                                   Mode Table
                                  Symbol Table
                                Expression Table
.in +10
[bf The "Front End."]  LA is the lexical analyzer, or scanner.
CMP is the C macro preprocessor.
PARSE is the parser and intermediate code generator.
The front end is a classical recursive-descent compiler, employing a
lexical analyzer (to break the stream of input characters into tokens),
a preprocessor (to handle macro definitions and source file inclusion),
and a parser (to analyze the program, diagnose syntactic and semantic
errors, and produce an "intermediate form" output stream).
.be  22
.in -10

                  ______                             _______
                  |    |---------------------------->[bs]-|     |
   Entry Points ->[bs]-|    |                             |     |
    Static Data ->[bs]-| IN |   __________   __________   | OUT |->[bs]- PMA
Function Bodies ->[bs]-|    |-->[bs]-|        |-->[bs]-|        |-->[bs]-|     |
                  |____|   |  CODE  |   |  OPT   |   |_____|
                           | tree->[bs]- |   |        |
                           |  mach. |   | (mach. |
                           |  inst. |   | inst.) |
                           |________|   |________|
.in +10
[bf The "Back End."]
IN reads the intermediate code produced by the front end.
CODE attempts to "intelligently" generate machine instructions.
OPT performs some simple peephole optimizations to remove redundant
loads and stores.
OUT converts the internal instruction form to
64V-mode object code, or, optionally, to
Prime Macro Assembly Language.
The back end is a reusable general-purpose code generator.
It accepts the linearized intermediate form tree produced by the front
end, rebuilds the tree internally,
converts the tree to a linked list of machine instruction
representations, performs peephole optimizations on that list, and
.# then converts the internal instruction representations to text
.# suitable for processing by Prime's Macro Assembler.
.# The 64V-mode object code produced by the assembler is then ready for
then produces 64V-mode object code, ready for
link editing and subsequent execution.
'Vcg' has an option for producing symbolic assembly language instead
of object code.
The assembly language that 'vcg' produces is suitable for processing
by the Prime Macro Assembler, PMA.
For those of you wishing to supply your own front-ends to the code
there is a [ul V-mode Code Generator User's Guide] (use
the Subsystem command 'guide') and a Reference Manual entry for 'vcg'.
.MH "Performance"
The C compiler requires parts of 5 segments to run.
The previous version of the C compiler, which used to call PMA,
ran almost twice as fast as Prime's Fortran[bl]77
and Pascal compilers (700 lines per minute vs 400 lines/minute
on a PRIME 550 running under Primos 18.1). Hand inspection and informal
benchmarks indicate that the code produced is superior to that
produced by Pascal, PL/1 and Fortran[bl]77; in particular, fewer
base register loads are generated, and operations on packed
data structures are performed without resorting
to the field manipulation instructions.
The compile time requirements for each phase were
approximately as follows: 'c1': 23%, 'vcg': 27%, 'pma': 50%.
half of 'vcg's time was spent in the assembly-language output
.# PMA's time can also be reduced substantially by
.# compacting such things as DATA lines.  We intend to massage
.# the output routines in 'vcg' in hopes of improving the compiler
.# run time, perhaps by as much as 30%.
For the second release, 'vcg' has been changed to produce
64V-mode object modules directly.
This substantially reduces compile time.
We have not measured the new version of the compiler,
.# (there wasn't time)
but the compile time requirements for each phase are about equal.
The total compile time is now approximately half of what it was,
since PMA is not involved in the process.